| Chapter 30 |

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Chapter 30

Come on. Please answer the phone, Floyd. “What?” Floyd groggily answered.

“Floyd! I need your help,” I exclaimed, grateful that he answered.

“What do you need?” he asked me, a bit more awake.

“I kissed Noah last night,” I told him.

“I know,” he responded with a groan.

“What? How?” I asked.

“How do you think?” he muttered. “Noah told me.”

“I need to talk to you,” I explained in a whisper.

“This conversation would be easier to have if you weren’t whispering and if it wasn’t seven in the morning,” he told me.

“Floyd,” I whined.

“And if I had coffee to drink and food to eat,” he told me. “I’ll meet you at the McDonalds near the mall in an hour?”

“Yeah,” I responded.


I was at McDonalds ten minutes early and even went as far as to order food for Floyd and myself. I paid for it and it was on the table once he arrived. He sighed gratefully, his eyes lighting when he saw the food on the table. “Thanks, I didn’t think I could wait ten minutes for it to be made.”

Simply shrugging, I began thrumming my fingers along the table. “So I need your help.”

“Yeah, you said that already,” he nodded as he began devouring his muffin.

“What has Noah said about me?” I asked him as I inched closer to the table.

“What?” he asked as he held a napkin up to his mouth.

“Noah, what has he said about me? Tell me everything, anything,” I insisted as I stared at him.

“Well, what do you want to know? Specifically?” he asked me with furrowed eyebrows.

“Okay, what did you guys talk about after I told Noah how I felt?” I was incessantly thrumming my fingers and Floyd glanced at them, silently requesting that I stop. I tucked my hands under my thighs as I sat there, waiting impatiently for the words to spill from Floyd’s mouth.

“Well, uh…I don’t feel comfortable telling you Noah’s secrets,” he told me. I sighed loudly, placing my hands on my face. “It’s the same way for you. I mean, I wouldn’t tell anyone what you’d confide in me.”

“I get it,” I muttered. “But you basically only came here to get free food?”

He grinned at me. “Yeah, pretty much.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks anyway.”

“Anytime,” he smirked.

“And, uh, Floyd?” I asked while drawing circles on the table.

“Yeah?” he asked with a mouth full of muffin.

“Are we good?” I asked, looking up at him. “You know, are you going to talk to me now?”

“Yeah, I don’t like you anymore,” he smiled at me. “In fact, I’ve set my sights on a new girl.”

“Really? Who is she?” I asked, my eyebrows rising as I smiled at him.

“Yes, her name is Elizabeth and she’s an amazing artist. She lives down the street from me and she goes to your school,” Floyd explained.

I grinned at him. “I know Elizabeth.”

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