Drunk and Alone

173 11 6

Another swallow of whiskey straight from the bottle

It's only thursday but he called in sick

He couldn't face the world today

The tattoo on his heart burned to much

Every beat made him sway

Every thought made him sick

"Why do I have to face this?

What have I done?

Do you just like to watch me burn under your spotlighted sun?

I don't think I deserve this

And neither did my baby!"

The sound of glass shattered as he threw the bottle

He didn't want to be like this

But here he was again

That night still haunts him

Even to this day

The screeching metal dances inside his ears

The blood soaks his clothes and stains his skin

Two screams equally loud pierce through his heart

And so he holds them both


Why had he been driving?

Could it have saved a life?

What if he had never been out that night?

But he wasn't at fault that night

Of that he was sure

Because the alcohol consumed was from the other car

Because of the drunk he was drinking himself stupid

Because of that day he had nothing anymore

Because of that moment his family was taken

Becasue of that night I'm standing in the door

He swung back and forth

A teddy bear in his hand

A small smile littered on his face

As he swung back and forth


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