No Other Explanation

18 1 0

I must really love you

We're alike and we're different

I know your flaws and you know mine

I only need to see you to feel happy

The moment you leave, I am empty

It was hard to comprehend

Your presence is affective

To hear your voice, feel your touch

When you look at me as I look at you

You look at me, I am no longer alone

You look at me, I feel whole

Your affection is still foreign

Your laughs are bizarre

You're a klutz!

But who am I to talk?

When you make me laugh, I truly laugh

I want to hold you, I want to kiss you

The way you are, the man you are

There is no other like you

They say true love can't exist

It is a rarity

But I have seen it

It is real, it exists

Can it happen to us?

Is it possible to feel it?

Or is this just a trick of the mind?

I'm scared it won't happen

I'm worried my heart can't bear it

But when I look into your eyes

The moment I hold your hand

There is no fear, there is no doubt

Your presence is affective

To hear your voice, feel your touch

When you look at me as I look at you

The moment you're gone, I miss you

There is no other explanation

I must really love you

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