Ch. 27 Awkward

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Ch. 27


Allie broke apart from Mitchell after what seemed like ages, completely out of breath. Somehow, in the midst of making out, the two had stood up, and Mitchell was leaning slightly over her. His hands were on her waist, where a portion of her stomach was now visible. 

Mitchell smiled at her.

Allie merely looked at him before suddenly, the realization of what she had just done came over her. She tore her eyes away from his and looked down. An instant wave of regret and worry seeped into her veins.

“Um...” She mumbled, taking a step back.

Mitchell let out a slight laugh as he let go of her waist. “Well...that was...”

“Yeah.” Allie replied shortly. “Um, I gotta go.” She gave him a quick smile before hurriedly turning and exiting the room, leaving Mitchell alone.

She rushed down the stairs so fast that she ran straight into someone who was passing by.

“Oh, sorry.” She muttered.

Nina Winchcombe turned and glared at her coldly. “Watch where you’re going, McHenry.” She hissed. Her eyes narrowed. “What are you even doing here, anyway?”

At that moment, Mitchell emerged from the guest room and walked onto the landing of the stairs, preparing to descend them.

Nina’s eyes flickered upward to where Mitchell was standing, before she looked back at Allie. She raised her eyebrows.

“Later, Nina.” Allie stated quickly, not bothering to respond to her earlier question. Taking advantage of Nina’s silence, she slipped away and hurried off in search of Azra.

She found Azra laughing loudly with a few sophomore boys, all of whom were gazing at her longingly.

Allie cleared her throat. “Az?”

Azra glanced up. “Hey!” She said.

“Um...can we go?” Allie glanced around awkwardly at the group of younger boys.

Sensing that Allie was upset about something, Azra asked, “Sure, is Mitch ready?” 

‘Shit. I forgot he drove.’ Allie thought. “Um...I don’t think so, but I kinda need to talk to you.”

Azra excused herself from the gaping sophomores before following Allie to the kitchen. “What is it?”

Allie began pacing back and forth, twisting her hands nervously. “Look, I just...can we try and get a ride home from someone or something? I really want to talk to you about something, but I don’t want to say anything here. And I don’t want to ride with Mitch.”

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