Chapter 38- One Last Time

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Chapter 38 - One Last Time

Kim's POV

I could feel his hard longing gaze burning holes from behind me on my back. He was just sitting there, on the bed watching me as I changed into some fresh clothes for school. Not only did I need to wake up earlier than normal, which is something I did not like at all, Asher had to drive all the way to my house so I could get some clothes, since I really didn't have any at his. As I decided on a long, wool knitted, beige sweater, some dark jeans, and short leather boots; I fixed my hair in the mirror along with some natural looking makeup- so it didn't look like I had no sleep late night or just rolled out of bed.

I didn't bother closing my closet door or changing in the bathroom. I just stripped my sleep wear in front of Asher and put on some clothes. When I turned around he was standing behind me now, leaning against the doorway frame of my closet.

"Something on your mind?" I comment, using his shoulder to balance myself to put on my shoes. He shrugs his shoulders, pursing his lips, "What's the matter, Ash?" I ask, caressing my thumbs across his cheek bones. Please don't tell me it's something I did wrong, or didn't do. What if he's already over this relationship? What if it's already not what he thought it would be? Relationships take time to build, he's got to know that!

OK, so yeah I was freaking out a bit. Asher being quiet and not himself scared me. That meant he was thinking, and when it's just him and that head of his, he's either thinking something through or thinking of something stupid like, let's go ding dong ditch the neighbor's house or put fish in the swimming pool.

"What are we going to tell people at school?" He mumbles, only loud enough for me to hear.

I thought about it for a moment. I knew what had to happen first before the whole school found out, I had to tell Spencer it was over. That through the whole vacation I basically cheated on him even though I said nothing through text, and said I was perfectly fine, and that I missed him. I truly did miss him, but when I was with Ash I just completely forgot about him. Yet a part of me still loves him.

"Nothing. Not yet." I tell him, shaking my head. I didn't have to tell him why because I knew that he knew. I knew that was the thing running through his mind.

He nodded knowingly, lifting my chin up to kiss my lips lightly, "I never told you this, but don't worry about me. I really want this chance at a relationship with you, but I don't want it to start off with you upset and stressed at me for rushing you to break up with Spencer. I know you really like him. If you need more time take it. Just know that I can wait. You do what you need to do at your own pace."

I nodded to him, a grin turning at the corners of my lips, never taking my eyes away from his blue orbs. How did I end up so lucky? "Thank you for being considerate." I mumble in the crook of his neck as I hugged him.

He squeezes me back, "I'll always love you too, Kimmy Ann."

We hurry back down stairs, grabbing something to eat for the road before we get in the car and head to school. We didn't really talk about anything in the car. We were fairly quiet, holding hands, listening to the host on the morning radio show. So when he pulled up into the schools parking lot we took a minute sitting in the car, students rushing to get indoors and out of the harsh winter winds.

"Remember, all the time you need." He said again.

"Thanks Ash." I said sweetly, squeezing his hand a little for support. He kissed my check then went around to open my door for me, something he did on rare occasions.

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