Turn that light off

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I sat on the tile of the shower floor as the water continued to fall down on me; it felt like ice hitting my skin now that I used all the hot water. My head was buried in my arms. I'm not even sure how long I had been in this position, every time I tried to move a ripple of pain went through my body. It felt as if there were nails inside my body and they were trying to break the surface of my skin and get out. But I didn't want them to leave my body because it was so painful, everything was so painful. I could tell it was getting dark outside, based on the light that was getting dim in the bathroom. I just didn't care. I didn't want to move and the water that covered my body was filling my ear so I could hear nothing but my own thoughts.

What I didn’t understand was that if Luke never wanted me then why not lie and say he never found me? I could have just been oblivious to this entire world and not be sitting here. Though I knew Max and Macy would not be together and so happy with each other. He must have known what his best friend was up to. He is my brother, he always said he would protect me and never let anyone hurt me. Where was he now and why wasn't he protecting me from this, why was he always pushing me toward Luke? Nothing made sense in my head and I was so tired. I ended up sleeping in the shower because I just didn't have the strength to pull myself together and get into my bed.

 I was awakened with a severe shock of pain that ripped through my body; it felt as if a searing hot knife had been stabbed right into my heart. I could barely breathe and all I could do was gasp and plead that the pain would stop. It was very dark in the bathroom. The tile was hard and uncomfortable but it was bliss compared to the pain in my heart. I couldn’t do anything against the freezing drops of glass like water. What was going on, I kept thinking, why was this happening to me? After pain stayed for what felt like hours it finally just disappeared and I was left with what felt like a hollow hole in my chest. That's when the tears began to fall uncontrollably.

I didn't sleep the rest of the night, fearing the pain would come back and be even worse than it was before. I endured the pain and moved so that I was lying down away from the water but facing it, watching it flow down the drain, wishing that I could do the same. Flow carelessly down the drain without a care in the world. The bathroom light started to change again and things became lighter as a new day had already started. I drifted into the dark abyss of sleep.

My eyes opened to see that the water was turned off. It was dark in the room and the only light I could see was coming from the doorway to my bedroom. Then I felt a soft warmth drape over my body and a hand pulling me out of the shower, I wanted to fight but I couldn't. I could already feel the pain moving my body. I sat against the shower door as the light flashed on and I growled trying to crawl back into the shower and hide.

“Turn that light off!” I heard someone yell behind me as they held onto me stopping me from crawling back into the shower and hiding away from the world. “Annie, calm down, please.” It was Macy and when I heard her voice I relaxed as she pulled me back to where I was sitting.

Tears began to fall as the pain started to seep into my bones. I felt more warmth touch my body and I felt a hand on my face tilt my head back as glass was pressed to my lips and pure blood started to drip onto my mouth. I jerked away not wanting to drink it and I felt it drip onto my face as I pulled away. I couldn't see who was touching me, I couldn’t open my eyes enough to even see and I didn't want to.

“Please Annie, you have to drink.” I heard Macy growl at me as the glass was shoved into my mouth and the warm liquid filled my mouth. She sounded angry and I swallowed it but it was pressed to my mouth again and I put a hand on it to push it away. I heard the crashing of the glass hit the floor.

“Annie, what is wrong with you?” She yelled at me and I just growled at her.

She had the nerve to ask what is wrong with me, like she didn't know what was going on and why I would be upset. The person who ruined everything for me, tricked me into loving him all so he could kill me to be with that whore. All I could do was shake my head not wanting to listen to her, I felt a second pair of hands taking off the soaking wet dress that I had put on to meet with the queen. I heard a loud scoff and I instantly wanted to kill everyone around me.

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