The Harold $ong

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Harry's POV //

I couldn't stop thinking about her voice and how adorable she was when she was embarrassed. I laid in my bunk with a smile plastered on my face, I always acted cool in front of her, I couldn't just let every one know I was completely head over heels for this girl. Especially not after what had happened with Cara, she had hurt me, and to be honest, I was still rather frightened by the idea of a relationship. But Kesha...she was different. I've had a lot of girlfriends in my life time, but I had never had a girl stick in my mind like she does.

I snapped out of my daydream when my phone buzzed against my bare chest, an unknown number popped up as my eyes scanned the message. My heart fluttered as I realized the message was from her, the girl I had fallen in love with at first sight. I acted completely casual with my simple reply of, "oh, hey! lol. it's fine. how are you?" As my message sent and the notification came up that she had seen it, I felt my heart racing at the thought of even talking to her, even if it was just small talk via cell phone. I sat up, adjusting myself in the small bunk, my naked back resting against the cool wall as I waited for her response.

Zayn and Louis ripped the velvet curtains open from my bunk, stealing my phone from my hand.

"Oh, Kesha!" smirked Zayn while Louis mocked her in a high pitched voice, "Harry is just so cute! Oh my God! He's like...a young Mick Jagger!"

I shot up, slightly annoyed "shut up you guys, she texted me first.." he defended himself, "I don't like her, she's..she's so trashy." I knew I was lying, but i could never let the rest of my band know that. They would never let it go, they only liked one type of girl and I was tired of dating the same stereotypical girl over and over again. But how could I be happy with a girl when all of his friends disapproved?

Zayn and Louis locked eyes, rolling their eyes at the same time. "Oh, yeah. I'm sure." teased Zayn.

"If you don't like her and really think she's trashy, why don't you just delete her number?" said Louis.

Seeing all of his fellow band mates gather around Harry's bunk, Niall huddled in beside them to join in on the teasing.

Harry glanced at Niall, oh great, another person to criticize his choices. "It was just one text, you guys..." The brunette boy mumbled, glancing down at his fingers that rested in his lap.

Just as Louis started to reply, the door to the bus flew open and in walked one of their tour managers, Paul. The boys all greeted him with a friendly smile as Paul waved and flashed a slight grin.

"Hey, boys. There's a new show in the United States called Rising Star, the show premiers on June 22nd and they've requested a performance from you all to open up the show." said the tall, tour manager.

The boys all looked at each other, nodding "it seems like it'd be fun." Zayn smiled, "I'm down for it." he added, the rest of the band agreeing with him.

Paul nodded, "Alright, we'll work your set list out later, no big deal." He grinned before exiting.

Kesha's POV

Days had passed and I hadn't heard from Harry. Maybe he had figured out how strange I am, strange compared to his ex-girlfriends, anyways. I ran a hand through my long, light pink, hair and collapsed back on to the bed as my eyes closed and a sigh escaped my pale lips. My mind flashed back to the interview, what had I said that made things so uncomfortable? He seemed cool about it, but perhaps he was just faking so he wouldn't hurt my feelings. Either way, he had. This is why I always steered clear of relationships, they were messy and someone always got hurt. I wasn't always happy to be seen as a "party girl" but now due to all of my hit songs, like Tik Tok or We R Who We R, I had no option but to live up to that reputation. My mom, Pebe, opened my bedroom door, instructing me to get up and get ready for the opening night of my new show, Rising Star. I rolled my eyes before groaning and getting off of my bed and following my mom out to our black SUV.

I stepped out of the car with two security guards holding my arms, I kept my face down as paparazzi swarmed the scene to attempt to get pictures of me. Harry was going go be here tonight. I felt my heart sink to the pit of my chest at even the thought of his face, but I was always performing, I couldn't let my personal feelings get in the way and especially not when I was going to be performing the opening ceremony of a brand new show.

I sat backstage in a dressing room, my hair and makeup artist, Vittorio, styled me for tonight. He could tell I wasn't myself, but I didn't want to make myself more upset by thinking about it. "It's just, there's this guy named Ha-" I paused when the door to my dressing room flew open.

A brunette boy with curly hair who stood at about 5'11" blocked the doorway. I flew around in my chair, my eyes locking with his for a brief second before a smile came to my lips. Why was I doing this to myself? He had probably just walked into the wrong room, not knowing this was mine.

"Hey, Kesha.." Said Harry, trying not to sound too eager. He flashed a smile, running a hand through his dark hair and biting his lip, looking down.

Seeing his smile melted me, I couldn't believe I was completely, 100%, head over heels for this boy, a boy I hardly knew. "Oh, hey, Harry." I said, rising to my feet as he neared me, pulling me into a tight hug. It had all happened so quickly, I wasn't sure of what to do so I just let him hold me for a second. Jesus, it felt so nice just to be that close to him. He pulled away when he heard Niall's voice nearing the room, he ran towards the door "I didn't know this was your room, sorry!" He sounded eager to get away from me and I wasn't positive why.

I looked at Vittorio, who raised one brow as he watched me, wondering what had just happened. "Don't ask me, I don't know..his friends were coming near us and he ran you think he's embarrassed to be seen with me?" I asked, sitting back down in my seat so he could finish my hair. The thought of him being embarrassed to be seen with me felt horrible, like all of your dreams being crushed right in front of you while your heart was stomped on.

"Why would he be embarrassed of you? You're gorgeous, you're talented...if anything, he should want to be around you 24/7. There was something between you guys, I felt it." Vittorio said as he turned me around to do my makeup.

Hearing that from someone else made me smile, even other people thought we had a connection, which I thought was wonderful. "Thanks.." I giggled, "maybe he was just in a rush.." I knew that wasn't the case, but I told myself that so I wouldn't have to deal with the pain of being rejected once again. That's what I had been all 27 years of my life, a reject, an outcast, a freak. I was bullied all of my life and even in the musical world I was bullied by my producer, Dr. Luke. Nothing I ever did was good enough, so should I really be shocked that he didn't want to be with me?

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