1• A Sign Of Four

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(I have no idea about pregnancy or when you have scans but this is a world where men get pregnant so don't question me :D)

John rubbed the awkward bump on his stomach through his favourite jumper. It was getting bigger, which was inconvenient as hell. "Sherlock." John called out. Sherlock ran into the room, swinging himself around the wall and plunging onto the bed face first, making John chuckle.

"Ouch." Sherlock grinned. "What is it, my love."

"Do..." John stammered. "Do I look fat." Sherlock raised an eyebrow and stood behind him, his arms on John's waist and his hand touching the small bump.

"I would tell you if you did. I am not a nice person." Sherlock admitted, kissing John's neck.

"You are the most amazing person." John smiled, leaning in. "Ready to go for the check up?"

"Nervous." Sherlock sighed, picking up his coat from the bed.

"Sherlock!" John laughed. "It's July! It's boiling outside!" He took the coat and put it on the bed. He saw the annoyance and hurt in his boyfriends eyes. Honestly, that coat. "Don't be like that Sherlock." John sighed, caressing Sherlocks face, kissing the tip of his nose. Sherlock hummed sadly. "Oh fine." John sighed. Sherlock immediately smiled at his John.

"Yay!" He said, whipping the coat on like a child.

"You're more of a kid than our baby!" John smiled lovingly. "But you're not wearing the scarf as well!" He laughed.


John and Sherlock waited nervously in the maternity surgery waiting room. They held hands, attracting odd looks from the other couples. It was hot in the waiting room. Sherlock still refused to take off the coat. John rested his head on his boyfriends shoulder. Sherlock had to slump down a little so John could reach. One couple grimaced and turned the other way.

Sherlock smirked and muttered "He's cheating with her sister." Just loud enough for them to hear. The man went bright red and held his hands up in defence. The woman marched out.

"Thanks a lot faggot." The guy hissed as he marched out. The word burned at John's ears, though didn't seem to register with Sherlock.

"Did we just accidentally ruin a marriage?" John chuckled.

"No. He ruined his marriage. Very much on purpose." Sherlock corrected.

"We just..."

"Helped." Both boys laughed.

"Watson-Holmes for their three month scan?" A female voice called from a speaker.

"Here we go!" John smiled at Sherlock.

"Hi! Doctor Sampson, you remember me from last time." The woman said, lying John down on a table-bed-thing.

"Yes, how are you?" Sherlock asked. He was obviously not even vaguely interested, so the doctor didn't bother to answer. She turned her attention to John.

"Lets have a look at this baby then!" She exclaimed excitedly. She organised various things with haste. "Have you thought of any names yet?" She asked. The doctor had short red hair and was probably a vegan who wore crazy colours and used to have dreadlocks. These were John's deductions, Sherlocks were a lot more complex.

Twenty nine, one kid, his names... Marcus...? Yes. She has three cats and is allergic to dairy. She used to have a dope addiction and only recently got over it to be a maternity doctor. She hates girls with make up all over their face and is strongly for all around equality, though does believe that wearing revealing clothing will get you a one way ticket to being raped. Very judgemental in that sense.

Sherlocks thoughts were interrupted by John saying, "We were thinking Harriet if it was a girl... After my sister." The doctor cooed accordingly.

"You must be very close." She smiled, getting out this sort of gel.

"We were." John sighed.

"Oh... Sorry I didn't mean..." Doctor Sampson stammered.

"Don't worry." John said, annoyed she had made such a big thing out of it. Why did people do that?

"What's that?" Sherlock asked her sharply, gesturing to the gel.

"Oh, it's so we can see the baby." She smiled. "On the ultra sound." (I think that's what it's called stop it I'm not a mum!)

She carefully rubbed the cold gel onto John's stomach. Sherlock intertwined his fingers in John's and the watched the screen contently. An unclear, yet obvious picture came into view.

"Oh!" The nurse squealed, smiling widely. She touched the screen carefully.

"What!? What is it? Is it bad?" Sherlock said, squeezing anxiously on John's hand.

"I don't know..." Doctor Sampson grinned. "It's twins!"

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