Reneesme's Cullen diary- chapter 17

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chapter 17: forever young

I stood there, silently , with no words.

"Nessie I asked you what is this?!" my dad shouted. I didn't answer.

My mom came into the room. "What happened?! Why are you screaming?!" She asked my dad.

Then her eyes set on the little blue box that in my dad hands.

"Nessie? What is this?" She asked suspiciously. I didn't answer.

"Renesmee answer me right now!" my dad yell.

"It's the day after pill" I said and looked down.

"And what is it doing at your room?" he asked again. I choked.

"Renesmee answer me!!" my dad shouted.

"Edward, let me talk to her, I handle it." my mom said and dad walked angrily out of my room.

I set on my bed and started mom came and hugged me."Why didn't you tell us Nessie?"

"I...I couldn't...right after we had done it dad... dad took back the promision.. what could I do?" I said hardly between tears. I looked at my mom with big eyes full of guilt.

"Oh Nessie, how could you keep something like this to your self? and the pills? you didn't use protection? what got into you?" my mother asked silently.

"Mom I love him, I missed him, I was 100% sure and ready, we both was swept away by the moment and we... forgot" I leaned my head and looked down.

"You forgot? Nessie you are better than this.. swept away by the moment? forgot to use protection? youre not like this. Maybe this is the resion why youre father took his promision back."

"Mom I'm not like those girls who do it with a rendom guy at a rendom place and didn't have time to buy protection and don't even care about it. We both love each other, we ment to be together, it was done out of love not out of momentary urge."

"I know that Nessie but it's still not ok. You both needed to wait a little bit."

"I know mom.. but I can't go back in time."

"Nessie you promise to tell me everything from now on.. I don't like you keeping secrets from me."

"I promise." I said and gave her a hug.

"I'll talk with you father, don't worry." I smiled at her and nodded.

"Wait, you took the pill everything is alright?" she asked with worry.

"Yes, mom everything is fine." I said and smiled

"I want carlile to check you" she said and I blushed.

"No! mom don't do it! please!" I begged

"alright.. alright.. but you need to take care of yourself" I nodded.

"And most important.... how was it?"

I need to go to sleep, I'll tell you everything next time.

Love, Nessie ♥

Renesmee Cullen diary-my teenage life the continuation of breaking dawnWhere stories live. Discover now