Bullying Stops Here

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It takes one person to stand up, and so no more.

One friendly face to make you feel like you’re not alone.

When you’re being bullied you feel like you’re in this world all alone.

Like no one cares about what happens to you.

I am writing this book to tell my story on how I was bullied, but I also want you to know you’re never alone.

No matter how alone you feel you can reach out to me, and I will help to pull you through.

So many have lost their lives because they thought they were alone.

They didn’t have the strength to keep on fighting.

Trust me I know how that feels.

I wanted to just curl up, and die.

I dreaded getting up, and facing the day.

I knew it would be one thing after another being thrown my way.

I would be called fat, ugly, and worthless.

They would throw spit balls at me, push my chair out so I would fall, and hit me on a daily basis.

No one did anything about it.

People would see it, and just laugh.

Even my friends were too scared to say anything.

It went on for years.

So I am not just sympathizing with you I have been there.

It takes one person to stand up, and change the world.

I will be that voice for you as well as myself.

Bullying stops here.

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