Chapter 7- A Blast From The Past

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Later that night when Liam was about to fall asleep he suddenly remembered something; a memory came to mind; a vivid image of his grandmother when she was in hospital, he had gone to visit her and she’d suddenly spaced out then come back, she’d held his hand tightly and told him that it had been her dream to travel but she hadn’t been able to fulfil it; so she had told him to do it for her.

But she’d said “ I want you to see the world Liam but there is one place where it is best you stay away from...and that place my dear is England”



Saturday arrived quickly, quicker than Liam and Summer had expected.

“Summer?” Liam called from the bedroom. Summer sighed and made her way to the room, Liam in her opinion had been acting weird all week, he has looked and acted distant, had not even tried to look as if he was paying attention when she was speaking and it was awful. Now she knew how all of her friends back home felt.

“What is it?” she asked him, she leant against the doorway and watched him; he was holding a bunch of papers and on the bed, there were folders scattered “Liam...” she said stepping forward “what’s all this?” she picked up a paper and drew in her breath.

“Did you pack this stuff?” he asked running a hand through his rumpled hair.

“Ermm.., I suppose so ...this stuff was just all in the loft and stuffed it all in the suitcases ” Summer bit her lip and watched him carefully. This was the greatest amount of emotion he’d shown all week.

Liam sat down and sighed; he was shocked and surprised at all this. Summer took a seat beside him and took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Liam I...”

Liam cut in “I have never seen any of this stuff before you know, it’s just so...well weird”

Summer frowned; what the hell was he talking about? She looked down at the pile of papers and spotted a photo sticking out; she picked it up and gasped.

“Oh my God” Summer felt her heart beat rise.

“Can you believe it? They kept this a secret from me...I mean this, I just can’t understand how on earth...”he tailed off and shook his head.

On the bed was a pile of papers, some of which were letters that were presumably unsent, Some other papers that were all crinkled and a few photos.

Liam looked at the photo in Summer’s hand and shook his head, it was unbelievable, he just couldn’t get it in his head.

“so this you and...” Summer didn’t quite know how to put it out there.

She looked down at the photo and felt a catch in her heart, along with a feeling of a swarm of butterflies rushing around in her stomach.

“Look at this” Liam picked up a letter and held it out to Summer.

Summer hesitantly took it and read it over, she felt a wave of sadness and tenderness toward Liam.

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