You Don't Know Me

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You Don't Know Me

Chapter One

A sudden impact hit my side, caving in my door around me. My head smashing into the window beside me. My legs wriggled trying to pry myself free of the cage that the door created around me. I looked to my right, my sister staring at me with wide brown eyes, my little brother screaming. Fear was evident, there was no doubt. I reached over as far as I could and held their hands. My vision began to flip as my body tumbled around in the car.

I was jerked upwards, my back coming into contact with the roof of our SUV. Then, almost like a movie scene, I was ejected. It happened in slow motion as I flew through the back window and soared through the air. I took in the event that seemed to go by slower and slower each second but, as I dropped hitting the hot asphalt in the middle of the intersection, I could see my family's SUV racing uncontrollably.

Cars swerved and I heard the faint squeals of tires. I tried to watch what was happening but, I could no longer concentrate as  I felt an excruciating jolt of pain over my legs. I cried out in pain and began to scream. This was unbearable. I laid on the asphalt, unable to move, unable to do anything. I heard people yelling frantically on their phones, looks of concern switching from my nearly lifeless body to an area in the distance. Ambulances, firetrucks, and cops arrived on the scene .

The lights of the emergency vehicles captured my eyes and I couldn't help but, think that maybe this was nightmare of some sort; a fake event of my imagination, this couldn't be real. I mean, it just couldn't. Paramedics surrounded me, cops pulled bystanders away from my side, and they started to lift me into the ambulance. The reality of this hit me.  It hit me hard.

The car I was sitting in minutes before, listening to music and laughing, the car that my dad, mom, brother, and sister were in - was in flames. The reds and oranges of the furious fire burned into my soul, as it engulfed my family's car. The young, male paramedic quickly shut the doors and tears began to pour down my face. "W-w-where is m-my fam-", I couldn't finish my sentence as a sob broke free from my throat and a thousand pound weight was set on my chest.  I looked to see his eyes holding thoughtfulness and compassion and then, I felt a squeeze at my hand. A horrid noise escaped my lips and my body began to shake violently while crying.

I knew the answer.

A sudden shaking motion caught my attention and I opened my eyes. Dark light flooded my vision and my eyes focused and began to dart around the room. Standing next to me was my Uncle Norman. His eyes held the same look that the Paramedic's did. "It's just a nightmare dear." His deep hoarse voice said. I shook my head and began to sob into my pillow, it wasn't a nightmare. It was far from a nightmare. A nightmare you wake up from in the morning, when I woke it'd still all be the same. I'd wake up to nothing. A hand rubbed my shoulder gently and my eyes began to close once again.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BE-- I smacked my hand down on my black alarm clock. I shrugged my body out of the bed and my feet touched cold tile. I rubbed my eyes and walked to my closet, grabbing jeans, a blue shirt, and my favorite teal hoodie. I don't really care what I look like.  I quickly got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I examined my eyes, they were the same green as my dad's. My hair was strawberry blonde and came to my elbows, it matched my mom's and little sister's. I smiled at the thought, showing off my left dimple that only my brother and I had. I sniffed, trying to suck back the tears that were bound to leak. 

I walked down the stairs, as slowly as possible. This, I wasn't looking forward to.

"Ready to do this?"My uncle, Norman, asked while putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I hope so." I muttered to myself, while giving him a nod.  I stayed in silence as I watched the trees pass by me. It's amazing how life goes on around you, even when your's is over. Things just continue on, people oblivious to your struggles, to your losses, to your pain. A building came into my view, and when we stopped, it became apparent that this was the high school. The great place I now how to blend in to. The place I had to fall into and become unnoticed.

"Listen Maddie, I love you very much, my dear. If you need to leave or anything call me." I nodded and put my hand on the door handle but he grabbed my arm. "I wanted to let you know that, well, I-I didn't tell anyone, not even the principal know." he said looking down at the steering wheel. His hand wound tight around, knuckles whitening. I nodded again, not trusting my voice, and opened the door.  

"Thanks, Norm." I said quickly before shutting the door and taking a few steps back. I watched as his truck pulled out of the parking lot, and I then noticed, all the students glancing my way. Curious stares and expressions, all shifting to me. Go unnoticed, I told myself and  kept my head low,  making my way into the school. Right at the entrance was the office, and I entered it just as a loud bell rung.

The secretary looked up through her 60's styled glasses and a smiled spread out on her face.  

"How may I help you dear?"

"Uhh..I'm Maddie Taylor." I said, unsure what exactly to say. She just nodded.  

"I'm new?" I pushed.  

"Ahhh yes, Maddie Taylor, transfer student, are we? Okay well, here is your schedule and you better get a move on it." A light chuckle was sent along with it but, a pointed glance threw the cheery feeling off.

"Mmkay." I said while grabbing my schedule and walking out into the empty hallway. An empty hallway, great. Class is in session, which means everyone will notice me. Just what I needed, more attention. Great, just great. I hopelessly searched through five, very long,  hallways, looking for room 526, Math. 'I'm going to be in trouble . My pass says I left the office at 8:25, it's 8:45.' I muttered to myself. I continued on my hunt for the elusive classroom. As I spun on my foot to turn around, the numbers 526 came into my view. I darted for the door, and slung it open.

Yeah, that wasn't attention seeking.

"And why have you interrupted my class?" the male teacher said, with quite an attitude. 

"I'm Maddie Taylor. I'm new?" I decided that had worked before, I'll use it again. 

"Oh, I forgot that new students were allowed to slam open doors and interrupt classes." He stated with sarcasm but, I just found it pretty rude.

"I wasn't trying to open the door like that, I've been searching for this class for twenty minutes. Maybe, if the school offered some help for new students or I don't know, a map, then maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't have to 'slam' open doors and interrupt classes." I said while looking straight at the teacher. I think it's safe to say that we won't be on the best of terms.

"Excuse me?" His voice boomed.

I quickly became nervous and started playing with my fingers. Maybe that wasn't such a great idea.I heard muffled laughs escape from around the room, and I realized I wasn't alone here. One sly look to my left revealed a full classroom, all staring at me amusedly.

Good thing I'm staying so unnoticed.

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