Chapter Nine: Unwanted guests and new suspicions

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Previously on chapter eight (Bianca’s P.O.V)

“C’mon kiddo, tell me you haven’t forgotten me! It’s me Aiden, remember?” Raising an eyebrow at the two I scan his young features.

“Bianca how could you? It’s me Aiden your families and Delilah’s personal chauffer. How could you possibly forget me after all the times I took you down to get ice cream in a limo?”

“Aiden! B-but, what happened to you? Your legs! They’re gone!”

Chapter nine:

Delilah’s P.O.V

My fingers grip around the sink basin, wet droplets of water run down the base of my neck. Everything was in control up until now. Everything was in my control, yet fate seems to have other plans for me. I will not let them get hurt. I won’t let that happen.

Wiping of the traces of water from my face, I sneak a look at the mirror opposite me. Meeting the eyes before me a stabbing pain overcomes me. I see darkness, evil; every sin I’ve ever committed flashes before.  Shutting my eyes close I take in a deep breath, ready to confront Aiden, there’s one apology I haven’t been able to deliver yet.

The past half hour consisted of mum sending me worried glances and Bianca watching me a bit too curiously. Ignoring the two I spent my time with failed attempts to reach Aiden. It was my entire fault.

“Hey, there you are!” my pacing comes to a halt. With my back to him, a part of me urges me to face him but the larger part of me commands me to stay put in my position.

“I’ve been here for a couple of hours now and I still haven’t been able to speak to you properly, heck I even missed you at lunch.” He continues.

“You know this is the part where you start talking, that way I don’t feel stupid…” he wheels his way in front of me.

“You’ve changed, but I’m not surprised. After everything they’ve done to you.” Aiden sighs, my head snaps to him.

“Did to me, what about you? You tried to keep me safe, and look what happened to you.” my voice raises to a level I’m not naturally comfortable with.

“I was the one working for him Delilah, I should have known better.”

“It was because of me that this happened to you-“

“No it’s not; none of this is your fault. That’s what they want, for you to blame yourself. You continue this and you’ll be letting them win.”

“No, this is my fault. All of this is my fault. I started all of this.”

Bianca’s P.O.V

Don’t care wat ur doin or were u at, come over NOW. URGENT!!!

Without a second thought I send the message to Samuel. I replay the two recording I retrieved from the amplifier, within an hour I’ve learnt two things; one:  Some ones after Dee and two: she might have something to do with Aiden’s amplified feet.

It only took me a few minutes to remember Aiden, last time I heard of him, I was being told he was leaving the country. My phone vibrates in my hand indicating the arrival of a new message. Sliding it open I read the message sent from Samuel.

Why? Wat’s up?  Frowning at his message I tap furiously at the screen before me.

Delilah! You dim wit, get ur bloody ass here now! I hav news!!!!

Shoving my phone into my purse, I smooth down my dress and with a fake smile plastered to my face I enter the estate once more. I mingle with a few of the guests not sure what the point of this ‘party’ is for, Renee may have said it was to help Dee, but for some odd reason I think otherwise.  Which mother would throw a party in attempt to help her daughter if she seems intimidated with people being in the same room with her? What the hell Is the point of this party?

A smile for Dee (I'm currently removing it, read the new version)Where stories live. Discover now