Jealousy - Zarry

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Hello guys! so i made a seperate collection of one shots for my nice fluffy ones! as you may have noticed. I decided it wil be better if i seperate my mature ones and my fluffy ones. So this is my first fluffy one shot so far. I wrote another one but it was extremely smutty. So its a part of another collection called One Direction One Shots Mature. So if you havent checked it out yet go ahead! this is my first one so let me know how i did! Ive never written Zarry before but i really liked doin this one! Im big on fluff. so let me know. AND if you would like a specific one shot feel free to promt me in the comments. Thanks xoxox

Zarry One Shot for Haylz_1D

"Oh Boobear! Boolou this, Louboo that! Boohoo Loubear! Shove it up your ass!" I mimicked to myself as I left the kitchen and sat in the living room. Harry and Louis were in the kitchen bathing in Larry Stylinson. Flirting their faces off and acting like a married couple. Harry and I are in a relationship but you would never know it since him and Louis are attached at the hip! I sighed and slouched back into the cushions.

"Hazza stop it your going to get food everywhere!" I heard Louis giggle. I could almost gag at the thought of Larry Stylinson. I stayed on the couch sulking. Liam came into the room and plopped down beside me.

"Oi! Zayn, whats the matter?" he asked patting my back. I shrugged.

"Just waiting for Louis to return my boyfriend," I said smugly. Liam chuckled lightly.

"It's just a bromance Zayn, you know Harry loves you," he nudged my arm. I nodded sullenly. I leaned over and rested my head on Liam's shoulder. I shut my eyes and waited for the Larry giggle fest to end. I opened my eyes when i heard footsteps approaching. The Larry ship must have sunk for the day because Harry was standing in front of me.

"Can I have my boyfriend back Li?" Harry mused. I looked up at him slightly.

"I'm sorry can't you see Liam and I are doing some Ziam stuff at the moment?" I said smugly. Harry frowned and Liam stood up. He leant down to my ear before leaving and whispered;

"Don't be an ass,"

He walked into the kitchen and Harry took his spot beside me.

"Zayn?" He questioned.

"Yep that's my name," I said through gritted teeth. Zayn. That's it. Louis gets freaking Boo and Loubear and I get Zayn.

"What's the matter babe?" he asked me. I sighed.

"You want to know what the matter is?" I asked stubbornly. He nodded so I continued.

"Larry Stylinson that's the problem! You and Lou always fucking around like a married couple! That's the problem! Now don't get me wrong I'm not jealous of Lou, I'm pissed off! Why does Larry need so much god damn attention anyways! There's other members in the band you know!" I ranted. Harry raised his eyebrow at me.

"Louis' my best friend, we have a close relationship, nothing else," he said matter-of-factly.

"Are you sure about that? Because you spend more time with him then you do with your actual boyfriend!" I raged.

"Zayn please, you know i love you." he pleaded.

"Do I Harry, how would I know that? You don't spend enough time with me for me to figure that out!" I yelled. He winced and looked me in the eyes.

"But I love you.." he stuttered.

"Don't be pitiful Harry." I turned away trying not to fall for his sad expression.

"It never bothered you before so why does it now?" he asked. I turned back around and stood up.

"It always has Harry! But how would you know right? How could it not bother me? You spend 24/7 with him! You hang out with him more than me, you flirt with him more than me! Wherever you are he is too! How am I supposed to feel about that?" I gripped at my hair with my hands.

I looked at him and he had tears streaming down his cheeks. Oh no I'm not good with waterworks. What do I do? I just yelled at him and now he's crying. I can't comfort him, I just ripped his face off. The longer I look at his sad face the more my features soften. I can feel my scowl fading away. I looked around me for a getaway. I saw Liam looking out the kitchen doorway at me. He motioned for me to sit down and cuddle Harry. I shake my head but he gives me a stern look and crosses his arms. I give up and sigh. I walked back over to the couch and sat beside Harry. He looked at me as the tears still fell down his face. I rolled my eyes and sighed exasperatedly as I slung my arm over his shoulder. He threw himself at me and shouted through his tears.

"Oh god Zayn I am so sorry!" he sobbed into my chest. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled himself onto my lap.

"I am the worst boyfriend ever! I'm sorry!" he sniveled.

"Mhm alright," I mumbled as I rubbed his back.

"You have to forgive me! I love you so much! Don't leave me please! I don't love Louis, well I do, but I don't I don't I don't I don't!" he rambled.

"Harsh much? Love you too Haz," I heard Louis mumble from the kitchen. I heard the sound of someone being slapped and Louis groaned in pain. "sorry," he grumbled.

I sighed and rested my face on Harry's shoulder. We sat in silence for a while only comforted by the sound of Harry's soft sobs.

"I love you Zayn, how can I make you understand that?" he asked.

"Look at me," I said taking his face in my hands.

"Do you love me Harry?" I asked looking into his eyes. He nodded slightly.

"With all my heart," he said seriously. At that moment I knew he was telling the truth. The look in his eyes told me enough. As well as the way he cried and latched on to me. I knew he loved me.

"Okay," I replied.

"Okay?" he questioned.

"Ya, you love me, okay. I love you too," I responded.

He smiled widely and smashed his lips on to mine. An 'oomph' escaped my mouth as he attacked my face. His nose brushed against mine and his hands caressed my cheeks. I moved my hands up and wiped away his tears with my fingers. I moved my hands to the back of his curls and tangled my fingers in them. After a while he released my lips and sat back.

"I'm sorry I put you through that pain, I'm so stupid I didn't even realize it. I'm sorry Zayn," he apologized one last time.

"It's alright, I forgive you. I love you," I smiled. He smiled back and laid back on the couch so his head was on the armrest and his legs were over mine. I laid down beside him on my side keeping our legs intertwined. I rested my head beside his and took his hand in mine clasping our fingers together. I wrapped my other arm around his waist. He shut his eyes and curled into me. I closed my eyes as well. Knowing that everything was okay. That Harry loved me and I didn't need to worry. I opened my eyes lightly and mumbled.

"Sorry for being jealous of Larry, Haz," I said. He chuckled.

"I forgive you Sweet Cheeks," he said as he dozed off into sleep.

Sweetcheeks. It's no Boobear but it's definetly a start. I smiled happily to myself as I fell into sleep beside Harry. My boyfriend.

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