Chapter 1

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Wrote something new hope you guys enjoy it! :)

"Ella hurry up!" Tyler screamed from downstairs.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I had been standing here for nearly thirty minutes trying to figure out what was the reason for all this. Was it me? My attention fell onto my necklace and I stared at it as I traced the edges of its pendant with my fingers. It was a gold heart with red vines engraved on it. Even though I have seen it for most of my life I was always mesmerized by its beauty.

"Ella! You're making us late! Hurry up already!"

I sighed and looked away from the mirror and scoped out the empty room which was once my "safe haven " The walls were plain but still had evidence of posters which were once plastered all over them. I looked up at the pealing ceiling that I had looked up to all my life. I had complained so much about it but they never saw to fixing it. It used to bother me like hell but now that I was leaving I missed it. I passed my hands on a picture of "The Power Puff Girls" I had drawn for my sister when I was twelve. I slightly smiled remembering how surprised and excited she got when she saw it. That was the happiest I'd ever seen her.

Suddenly my thoughts were disturbed with a loud knocking on the door.

"Ella! What are you doing?! Come on! The driver has been waiting forever and he's getting angry."

I rolled my eyes at Tyler but she didn't see. She ran out of the room and I grabbed my luggage and followed behind her. As I made my way out of the house I scanned it, everything was bare. All signs of anyone ever living here were stripped away.

My eyes widened when I saw the black limo.

"How rich are these people?" I said to myself more than I said to Tyler.

Some man in the driver's seat honked his horn indicating me to hustle. An old man around his late forties took my suitcases and put them into the trunk while I climbed into to the vehicle. "You see, they're already being nice to you" Tyler said smiling widely. Yea that's for now I thought as I closed the car door. She gave me a reassuring smile and thumbs up while mouthing 'Enjoy, drink lots of Champaign '. I couldn't help but smile as she eased my nervousness. I stared at the house and I let out a deep sigh. The limo began to drive off and my heart started to pain as the place I once called home disappeared into the distance. Gosh I hate you! I shouted in my head then put my head set in my ears turned on my mp3. Music instantly blasted through my ears. I closed my eyes while Tiffany sang

Nothing last forever so they say

Nothing in this world could stay the same

All the memories inside my head

Seems like they won't play again the same way

Damn I thought to myself this song is speaking for me. I raised the volume and chanted 'this is going to be great, don't worry' over and over until I fell asleep.


I open my eyes and everything is completely black. I blinked to make sure I had opened my eyes. I widened my eyes trying to make it adjust to the darkness but it doesn't work. Where am I? I stretched out my hands and tried to feel for anything. A wall? A chair? A light switch? Nothing. With each grasp I felt air.

"Where the hell am I?" I shouted hoping for an answer but my voice just echoed. Then suddenly there's a strange presence. "Who's there?"

I looked around trying to see if I could see anyone but it was hopeless. The darkness was too thick. Something then passed near me. My body tensed up. Something was in front me, looking at me. I could feel its eyes piercing through me. My pores rose as I then felt something or someone breathing on my neck. Shit! I thought terrified.

"Who's there's!"' I shouted again. No one answered. I felt the breath on my neck again but this time I heard the heavy breathing, in......... and....... out. I swung my hand back intending to hit whatever it was behind. It couldn't possibly be human. Unfortunately all I felt was air. I felt the room begin to get ominous and I immediately started to cold sweat and hyperventilate.

What the hell was happening?


Knock. Knock. Knock. "Ms. John!"

I sprung up from my sleep and bumped my head into the glass that had separated the driver and me from each other. I rubbed my forehead as my eyes got accustom to the bright sunlight.

"Ms. John we have arrived" informed the driver as he stood outside my door. I got out the car and was shocked when I saw a huge mansion towering over me. Never in my life have I seen such a huge house. I stared with my mouth ajar too dumbfounded to even move.

"Close your mouth little girl before I you catch flies!" a woman said sternly.

I hadn't even realized that someone had come out of the house. The woman was tall and had black hair which was up in a bun, a straight nose, thin lips the perked out and round almond shape caramel eyes. I knew instantly that she was my aunt because she had the same eyes of my mother.

"Sorry "I shyly said feeling a little embarrassed. The man had already taken out my luggage and was returning to the car when my aunt shouted.

"James did you get it?"

"Oh yes," he said returning, "this is for you Madame Strue" and he handed her an envelope. "One more thing Madame Strue."

"What?" my aunt snapped.

James glanced at me then leaned in close to my aunt and whispered something into her ear. I managed to hear a piece of what he said, a name, Alexi. My aunt's face became white; I swore all the blood drained out of her face. She nervously replied "Fix it!" and James left.

My aunt began to walk away and I shouted "Excuse!" She spun around and seemed surprised to see me. Did she forget me already? Wow, am I that invisible? She slowly walked up to me and looked at me coldly.

"Hmmm. You're definitely my sister's child." She said with a hint of disgust. "Come on!"

She whipped around and entered the house and I trailed behind. I watched my aunt as she walked. She held her head high as she passed her servants and seemed to watch down on every one of them. She obviously felt she was the best thing out, you could tell all that just by the way she walked.

"Jeffrey!" she called. Within a few seconds a tall man came. "Take this to her room, I have things to do." And my aunt walked off.

"Come child" Jeffrey barked more than said as he escorted me to my room.

He led me into a big room where three maids awaited me. He whispered "This is the inter- seeker" and the maids all gasped and looked at me but quickly looked away. What the hell is an inter-seeker and why did they look at me like that? He then turned to me and looked me dead in the eye.

"Now miss, I have no time to be babysitting no peasant child so I hope that you understand the words that I'm about to say. There will be no wandering around this house! You will either stay here or go into the library, living room or gallery. You will only enter the living room or dining room when you are told. You are not to go into any other room and the whole of the third floor is out of bounds, and in case you don't understand, it means that you cannot enter those places. If you decide to become curious and you are caught, which you will be, you will be punished severely without hesitation." Jeffrey warned. "Oh and I do not serve you I only serve Madame, so don't you dare disrespect me or I'd fix you myself. Do you understand me Ms. John?"

I stared at him in disbelief and he smirked seeming contented with the effect his threat had on me and he left the room in satisfaction. What is going on here? First day here, it hasn't even been fifteen minutes and I have already, apparently, made enemies? Huh must be my new record.

Hmmmm, why is Ella's aunt and Jeffrey so mean?! And why did her aunt get so nervous when James told her something about a girl, Alexi? Who is Alexi? :D huh Find out next time :D And what's up with that dream Ella had? Comment and vote if your curious too! :)

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