Chapter 2: Problems

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                  Luckily I arrived to school fifteen minutes early, normally I was quite late. I meandered down the long corridor to my locker, making use of my time. The popular girls in my year were leaning against the row of lockers. They were talking and laughing loudly in that high pitched way which always seems false. I stood there motionless, unsure of what to do next. I knew I wasn't brave enough to stand up to them, I didn't have the guts to do that. But I didn't think an:" Excuse me, please" would solve the problem either. But I suppose anything was worth a try if I wanted to get to class with a full school bag any time today.

      "Excuse me, I want  to get to my locker"

          But it came out as a barely audible whisper. They laughed, following the lead of Lara, the  more superior of the bullies.They walked away and left me alone, just like that!

     "Lily", Lara called.

           It was too good to be true. I turned around to face them, my arms full of books. I screamed as water from the water bomb splashed all over my face and down my uniform, covering my books that I had dropped in fright.

           "You don't get away from me that easily", Lara whispered menacingly in my ear before flouncing off to class with her friends. Horrified I grabbed my bag, slung it over one shoulder and ran to the bathrooms, carrying my soaked books in my arms. I pushed open the bathroom door and put my books by the sinks. I pulled my scrunchie from my wet hair and shook it out ,letting droplets of water cascade down my neck and come to a halt at my collar.

            Leaning against the sinks I slid down to the floor and began to cry. Life just seemed so unfair, I always seemed scared of what was going to happen each day, what new trick Lara and her gang would play on me. I began to sob, tears rolled down my cheeks and I felt so alone, as if I had no one else in this world to turn to.

            After some time it seemed I could cry no more. I just didn't feel sad any more. I just felt anger. I stood up and felt a lump rise in my throat as I coughed out frustrated tearledd sighs. Life just seemed to be turning on me continuously. Even without the hassle from my classmates I still had the worry of my Dad hanging over my head each day.

Would he come home drunk?

Would he be violent?

Would I be lucky and he'd just be exhausted?

         I heard the bell ring a second time for class, I gathered my belongings and pressed the hand drier to quickly dry my hair. It would have to do. The corridors were empty,quickly checking my timetable I dashed to class.I peered through the window. I breathed  sigh of relief. Mrs.Edison was facing the whiteboard. I pushed open the door, cringing as it creaked open. She whirled round and my heart sank.

"You're late", she said sternly. 

The class sniggered.

"She looks awful. "Where has she been, the swimming pool?"

"Hey, give it a rest, guys."

A tall, girl with a black bob stood up.

"Thank you, Poppy. That will do",Mrs.Edison frowned, her lips set in a thin line. 

"Take the seat next to Lara please and open your book"

                     Classes dragged by, it was as if the hands of the clock had slowed down. I selected my lunch from the cafeteria and carried my tray to the corner of the room. But for once I wasn't alone. Poppy made her way over to my table, sliding her tray next to mine she sat down beside me. I was too stunned to speak.

"I know what Lara and her friends did", she said taking a bite of her sandwich.

I nodded.

"We've got to do something about them!", she exclaimed, a grin of determination spreading across her face.

"We?", I asked uncertainly.

"Of course, that's if you want to"

"Of course I do!", I cried in amazement.

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