Chapter 1

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"Guilty. The court sentances you,Cheyenne, Brooks to be reprimanded to the Hemmings/Styles Home for Girls until you are 21 years of age. If you take it upon yourself to try to run away, you won't be receiving such a light tap on the wrist. I will now release you into the custody of Headmaster Liam Payne, who will be transporting you to your new residence.Any questions,Miss Brooks?"

I look at the judge and clearly he is insane."I thought I could only be held until I was 18, why are you saying 21?"

"You my dear, are a flight risk with many issues. "

"Umm, sure, whatever" I say, still confused.

"Get her out of her before I charge her with contempt", the judge yells suddenly, his fat face all red.

Damn, what's got his panties in a twist? I look around the courtroom, trying to see if there's anyone who can help me. Not even my attorney will look at me. The only ones that are even acknowledging me are a creepy guy with a lip peircing and an over muscled bouncer looking dude.

Muscles gives the judge a thumbs up and starts towards me while lip piercing throws the judge an envelope. Muscles looks me up and down and I swear he licked he lips. What the hell?

"Miss Brooks, I'm Headmaster Payne, but you can call me papa.Welcome to the family" he tells me, taking me by the arm."You're about to get some severe behavior modification, love."

What the fuck does that mean? I want to ask him but there's no time to say anything as I'm passed along to another guy with blue and green hair. Who the hell dyes thier hair blue and green? He makes me think that he would be result of the Grinch and Smurfette having a baby and I laugh. Out loud.

"Something funny?", he asks leaning right in my face.

"Yah, you're breath. Seriously suck on a mint." I tell him, uck, he smells like burritos and ass.

He lifts his hand like he's going to smack me but Mr. Payne stops him."Wait Michael, she doesn't know the rules yet."

"Well, tell the little bitch before I knock her out, then!" Smurf boy yells before shoving me into the back of a van.

I stumble and fall onto a wooden bench and before I know what's happening, my hands are cuffed above my head and there's another guy with a lip piercing right in my face. He looks at me like I'm some foreign creature and grins at Mr. Payne.

I think we'll have fun breaking her in, Sir."

Breaking me in. what the hell does that even mean? These guys are beyond creepy. I don't think I'm going to make it. Maybe I can get my attorney to appeal. This is so wrong.

Mr. Payne jumps in the van and drops down, bending his legs until we are face to face,"I think it's time to tell you the rules."

I nod and lick my lips. He hasn't even touched me but I'm already afraid of him. He looks like he could really hurt someone if he wanted to and I am not into pain.

"First of all, you need to know that you're now in our custody and we basically have the same rights as your parents. We can punish you in anyway see fit, that's the only difference. And by anyway, I mean, anyway, sexually or beatings. We can starve you, also. You will not talk back, you will do everything we tell you to do and be happy to do it. You will attend classes and do chores during the day and at night, well, that's up to us. Understand me?"

What kind of fucked up rules are these? Who does he think he is, just being sent to this home is punishement enough and not this guy, who I don't even know is basically saying I have no say in anything and they can fuck me? Not happening.

"Look, I know I was sent here and all that but you better go back to 1st grade and get a Blue's Clue and shit. I'm a virgin so you can't punish me sexually."

His eyes go wide and he grins, "A virgin? Oh, my. Mr. Styles will love that" he says before smacking me hard across my face."That's what happens when you talk back. The other guys would do much worse."

I look at him ready to cuss him out, but my bleeding lip makes it kind of hard," Other guys?",I  ask instead.

"Yes,love. There's 9 of us you will answer to."

9 guys who can do whatever they want to to me. I'm going to die. I look to see Mr. Payne grinning at me so I do they only thing I have left to do. I cry.

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