The Last Meow

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                                                              Chapter 1

        It was a cloudy overcast day in mid July, New York has been having very unusual weather lately, Hailstorms, Thunderstorms and a lot of heavy rain. Why?, no one really knows, could be some strange phenomenon happening no one is aware of. But all that we do know, is this is the day where someone's life takes a very unexpected change. a young girl in her early 20's  from Upstate New York, her name is "Axel Kyle O'hara"... Irish girl with red hair the color of flames, beautiful striking green eyes, very pale light skin that always wears black and red clothing. She's been a loner all her life, no friends, her family's gone, never been in love with anyone, just lives a quiet solitude life everyday by going to work and having a few drinks and a cigarette to unwind after a long day of serving people food., she's a very quiet girl, never hurt or got nasty with anyone basically a nice girl who tries to her best at everything, says a few words to people that pass her by on the sidewalk or at work, doesn't really trust anyone because she feels people don't understand her for who she really is.

She wakes up at 7:30, the time she gets up every morning,. "hmmm looks like another cloudy overcast day, My favorite weather" she says as she smiles looking out the window. " well, time for my shower and to get dressed".. as she does every morning before work.,,, but as she takes her clothes off and turns on the water, she hears something on her front Porch. "Hello?.. is someone there?" she says as she puts her clothes back on and checks the porch,. "hmm, there's nothing here, ok back to my shower" she says calmly, surprised too because no one ever comes to her door. as she's washing her hair, she hears another noise, this time a tap at the window by her bed.. "what the hell was that?!", she's says in a panic tone. (turns off the water and puts on her robe to go check the noise).,,, as she checks the tap at the window, she sees a black cat staring through the window. "It's a cat, where did you come from?", she opens the window to let the cat in, "don't be afraid kitty, come in I won't hurt you",. the cat just stares at her with a content glare and jumps on the bed. "You don't have a nametag or a collar, you must be lost" she says with a sad voice,. she doesn't know if she should pet the cat because it might bite. But as she does the cat rubs her head on Axel's hand, "awwww you're beautiful", she says happy, " I'm gonna see if there's anything for you to eat, I'll be right back".. she walks into the kitchen and checks to see if there's anything the cat can eat. "Hmm maybe she'll eat the Tuna i used to make my lunch for yesterday, and some Milk", Axel takes the leftover Tuna and puts it in a small bowl with also a bowl of Milk  and goes to the bedroom to bring it to the cat, but notices something unusual, "here kitty i brought you some............... she's gone?", with a surprised confused look on her face. "Where did she go she was right here?.. KITTY?!,.. KITTY, where are you!?, She checks all around the house twice to see if she's hiding, but the Cat was nowhere in the house or outside, "that was really unusual, where could she have gone?, still confused as what to think could have happened to the Cat, Axel looks at her watch at the time. "OH shit it's 8:15!,, I gotta get going!, fuck my boss is gonna really be angry if I'm late again". Axel gets her keys and her cigarettes and rushes right out the door in a hurry to get to work.

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