Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

“Yes, Mum, I’ll watch out for myself,” I repeated for probably about the hundredth time that evening.


She was chuffed to bits that I was going out, not so much that it was a party. I’d convinced her that going would be the best thing for me and she agreed but she also said that a party was the last place that I wanted to be after everything that happened. It wasn’t my ideal hang out, either, but I wasn’t about to skip out on Carter’s birthday.


“I know you will. I’m just,” she trailed off, looking at me with a sad expression as she ran her hand through her hair. She really didn’t need to worry, I had enough anxiety for the pair of us and some to spare.

               “I am, too,” I whispered, shaking my head and dropping into the sofa. Jenna had called me to say that she’d meet me inside rather than driving all the way out and Eli said that he’d come and walk with me, as long as my heels weren’t too high. There was no need for any worry about heels, I’d put on my vans with a pair of jeans and stripy shirt. Mum had said that I should take it as an opportunity to dress up; I didn’t really feel like telling her that the last time I tried to look nice, Finn took it as an invitation.        

                Mum gave me a small smile, coming over and sitting next to me. She put her hand out to rub my back but she thought better of it last minute, withdrawing it and folding it into her lap.

                “Sorry,” I mumbled, peering out at her through my thick fringe. She smiled, shaking her head and sitting back, letting out a deep breath.

                “No need to be, sweetheart.”

                We waited in silence, just listening to the TV until the doorbell went. I gulped, feeling my nerves rise like bile in my throat. Before it could escape and ruin my evening, I shot up and strolled to the door, opening it slowly.

                The air hit me in the face like a gentle breath when Eli smiled and I held the door open, ready for him to come in. He nodded in gratitude and followed me through to the front room. Looking around at our open plan, wooden living room, he sat down and said hello to my mum.


“Right, her father isn’t here to give this speech so I’ll have to do,” my mum started, her voice light and a smile on her face. When Eli turned his attention to her and nodded, the smile dropped and her voice went chillingly serious.

                “She is not to be home later than midnight, please don’t let her drink. Keep an eye on her and make sure that she has a good time. Try anything and I’ll come after you with the shot gun in shed,” she recited and I chuckled, not sure whether to be embarrassed or amused. Eli just graced her with another smile.

                “I’ll take good care of her, Miss Price,” he said and Mum grinned, shooing us out.

                “Good boy, have a good night, both of you,” she said, walking us to the door. She paused, giving me a meaningful look.

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