Disney Store + Snoging = Heartbreak

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At first I feel bad for yelling at Lily, we rarely fight. I just blew a fuse, and then I remember Niall almost crying. She deserves it, one hundred percent. A faint knock comes through the door; Niall comes in and pulls me into one of his amazing hugs. I can't fall for him, he loves my best friend. Niall kisses my forehead; this boy was not making my life easier was he. We stood like that for a while, a couple stray tears here and there. "I'm so sorry Niall." Those were the only words I could say.

"Why the hell are you sorry?" Niall's electric blue eyes look straight into my plain blue eyes. They were memorizing. I mentally slap myself. Stop it Rose. I need to get some help soon.

"I went off on Lily because I can't take you sad anymore. I need the old carefree Niall. All you talk about is her," I've only known him for a few days but it feels like a lifetime. Niall sighs, "I had to defend you. I'm sorry." Niall is about to say something but is interrupted by Liam bursting through the door. "Calm yourself daddy." I say in a girly voice, actually my real voice but that is beside the point. I get a glare from Liam.

"What happened Lily won't tell us anything," I look to Niall he nods. Telling me to trust Liam. I sigh and explain the fight.

"She deserves it." I say and look at Liam.

"Why does she deserve it?"

"When we were in high school, Lily and I made a pact to keep each other from getting hurt by a girlfriend/boyfriend. I was just following through," I smile at the end.

"That's not all. I can tell," Liam eyes me and I cave.

"Niall loves Lily," Liam just nods. "Aren't you surprised? I mean, I just told you that your best mate loves my best friend,'' Liam just smiles.

"All of us knew that but Harry and Lily, we are not stupid and Niall here blushes like crazy." Niall blushes, “My point proven. Well the group is going shopping and putting the past behind us so we might want to leave." Naill and I follow Liam out to the car and drive to the mall.

Lily and Louis meet us at the food court after shopping in a 'lingerie' store. Harry's phone rings. "I'm going to see my cousin Marissa, she's here. Meet up with you later." Harry kisses Lily on the cheek then leaves to find his cousin.

"Disney store!" Louis yells we all charge it like small children on Christmas. Most of their hoods fall down. Lily and I fix them before they are noticed. We go our separate direction in the store. I follow Lily.

"We need to talk, walk?" I point to the hallway. Lily grumbles then follows me. "I told Niall you know," Lily looks at me confused. "He knows I'm a girl." I get a shocked face in return, and then we walk in silence for a moment. "I'm sorry I was a bitch earlier," I say and Lily starts talking about how she forgives me etc. We are walking towards the fountain I see two people snogging. Get a room, I think to myself.

"No I'm sorry too. I should have seen it. I was oblivious," Lily kept going, man was she a talker. I realize who the guy is.

"Don't look," I say quickly. Lily, being Lily, looks anyways. The guy was none other than Harry Styles. I hold Lily back and text the guys on my phone.

To: Niall and Liam

Get the group over to the fountain ASAP. You might be short a Harry if you don't.

I press send and look up. Harry notices us. "It's not what it looks like," Harry yells the boys arrive out of breath behind us. Thank goodness they ran. I give Lily, kicking and screaming to the lads.

"Just your cousin?" I go up to the bastard.

"Brent," he whispers.

"Don't Brent me." I slap him right across the face. Girly I admit, I would have punched him, but that would have actually hurt him. Lily runs off. I run after Lily followed by Niall and Liam. Zayn and Louis start talking to a very flustered Harry. He had a mark on his cheek, score. "Lily!" I yell grabbing her arm. Niall and Liam catch up to us.

My Double Life with One Direction {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now