You Are My Family (Brallie One Shot)

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"You are watching the six 'o' clock news with--" Brandon had just walked into the living room. Mariana was sitting in front of the TV with a notebook and a page titled "Current Event". 

"Homework?" he asked, sitting on the couch and pulled out a notebook of his own. 

"Yeah," Brandon was struck by how quiet the house was,

"Where is everybody?" Mariana paused the TV, she was annoyed. She let out a breath of exasperation.

"Jesus is upstairs doing his math, Callie had a thing at her old Group Home, Jude and Mama are on their way home from the Science Fair, and Mom is working tonight,"  Brandon didn't say anything, "Can I get back to the news now? I want this done so I can finish my math homework," 

"Yeah, sorry" Brandon started to pull out his Chemistry equations, when his eyes caught sight of a flash on the screen,

"We recieved this picture just moments ago from one of our faithful viewers, and are the first to break the following story,"  The picture popped up on the screen. A seemingly suburban house up in flames, "This house in the Heights, located at 766 Kensington caught fire just moments ago." Kensington. Brandon stared at the porch, "We have confirmed information that firemen are on the scene. They are currently focused on not only controlling the fire but also retrieving any one that may have been in the house,"

Brandon's mouth went dry.

His heart was racing. 

He knew that house. 

He knew that address. 

It was the Girls United House.

"Wait, that's not," Mariana started to say before turning around. Brandon's face was white.  It was the Group Home, "But Callie's there,"

Brandon stood up, "I have to go,"  He took his keys out of his back pack, 

"Wait Brandon," Mariana was still holding her pen and notebook and Brandon was already half way across the room, she got up and stood in front of him,

"Not now, I have to go- I can't," he tried to side step her but she wouldn't let him past

"Jesus! Get down here!" Brandon was getting frustrated. He kept thinking about Callie being in that fire. What if she died? What about Jude? What if she never knew-- What -- 

"Get out of my way," Brandon said almost coldly, 

"What's going on?" Jesus asked after barrelling down the stairs. Mariana turned to him,

"Callie's old group home is on fire," Brandon felt his throat tighten, Jesus looked confused, 

"Callie is THERE." Brandon said his throat still tight, Jesus' eyes grew wide. Brandon tried to move past Mariana again--

"And he's trying to get there, but we can't just leave" she was struggling to block his path. Jesus rounded on him and used his hand to block Brandon's chest. 

"Get out of my way!" Brandon shouted, 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is happening here," Lena said as she and Jude came through the door. 

Brandon drew his hands to his face and moved them down slowly before taking a breath. The tension showed in his every movement. 

"Callie's old group home is on fire," Mariana said, Lena's eyes got wide,

"Callie was supposed to be there tonight," 

"EXACTLY," Brandon was seething. He was scanning the room trying not to focus too much on anything. When his eyes hit Jude he stopped breathing for a second.  Jude's eyes were wide with fear. They exchanged the same look of paralyzing concern

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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