Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Here is a short chapter, sorry it is taking me forever to post. I will try to do more as soon as I can.


They had been on the road for a couple of hours, both thankful that they hadn’t come across any problems. Lexi kept thinking back to her last moments with Ryan before his father had interrupted them. She couldn’t believe he was really going to mark her, not caring what his father or his pack thought. That was what she liked about him the most. He didn’t care what anyone thought he like her for who she was and no one was going to tell him otherwise. She wished that he could have come with her but she understood that his pack needed him now more than ever. Plus she had no idea where she was going or what she was going to do, she didn’t want to put him in danger and possibly get hurt because there are more dangerous things out here then angry pack members. She shivered when she thought. She really hoped she didn’t come across any vampires while on the run with Sam.

“You should probably give Anne a call” Sam said breaking the silence

She looked at him frowning “I didn’t even think about Anne” She said pulling out her mobile phone and dialing the number she knew by heart.

“Hey” She heard Anne say after a couple of rings “Things are crazy at the moment, with the Custodians. Are you ok?”

“Yeah” She said softly on the phone “I had to leave Ryan’s pack”

“OH no! Where are you and Ryan going to go?”

“Er Ryan couldn’t come with, but don’t worry Sam is here with me”

“What do you mean Ryan couldn’t come with?”

“He is going to be the future Alpha Anne he needed to stay and help his father with the pack.” Lexi waited and listed to the silence on the phone “Are you still there Anne?”

“Yeah” She said “Sorry I was just shocked that he let you go without him”

“He didn’t like it, but I convinced him he had to stay”

“So what are you going to do now? Where are you going to go?”

“I don’t know.” She said with a sigh “Find a hotel and stay there until things get back to normal”

“You won’t be safe at the hotel. Vampires will be able to get you not to mention hunters!”

“What am I supposed to do Anne? I don’t know what I am doing! One minute I am in my room with Ryan making out the next I am all packed an in a car driving with nowhere to go! I didn’t plan this it’s just happened. So excuse me if I haven’t gotten it all figured out yet”

“I know, and I’m sorry Lexi I’m just worried about you is all”

Hunted (Custodians book Two) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now