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I don’t know why I ever thought of Aro badly.  He was fair, kind and a very nice man.  It must have been Caius making him bad all along.

When we were half way there we stopped.  We needed to plan something with Joham.  We stopped a few miles away from them just in case the heard us.  It wasn’t likely, but since Edward could hear their minds we had to take precautions.

“So you run ahead Joham.  Off you go” Edward instructed.

“Wait.  What will I say?  What will happen?” Joham questioned.

“Well.  Actually, I haven’t really thought about that” Edward confessed.

“I have” Aro butted in.

We all turned to look at him.  “Joham, you go now.  Say to them, I brought you a treat.  They’ll like that.  Bella, Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmet all go a few seconds after him and the rest of us will wait here.  A few seconds after you leave, we will follow slower.  Then they will think it is just the Cullens there to fight and Joham would be on their side too.”

“I like it.  Good one” Demetri congratulated.

“It’s that way” Demetri pointed in the direction we were heading.  “They’ll be about five minutes away from this spot.

Joham ran off further into the woods.  Shortly after, we followed.  We heard the others creeping behind us slowly too.  They were going much slower, so soon we couldn’t hear them.

We heard Joham break through a group of trees to the clearing at which the six kidnappers were standing. 

“Caius.  I brought you something.  You’ll like it” he shouted over to them.

We heard him join them and greet them.  Then we went for it.  We ran through the trees into the same clearing to come face to face with the monsters themselves.  I quickly remembered their gifts so I covered everybody, including Joham, with my shield, just in time to feel a jab from Jane exactly where Carlisle was standing.  It felt the same as last year when Jane was trying to use her gift on our side and she couldn’t.  Just like the last time she let out another high pitched scream.  I also felt Alec’s power fluttering around my shield like a mist, looking for any holes it may have.  It didn’t find any.  I knew how to work my shield perfectly now, so it was better, stronger and much thicker now.

I realised now that we were only facing six vampires rather than seven.  There was Jane, Alec, Demetri, the vampire I saw hovering around Aro last year that must be Renata, Joham and the new member that must be Abree.  Caius was not there, the coward that he was.  He was hiding.

They started charging at us with no warning at all.  The others ran out with Aro, Demetri and Marcus at the front.  Zafrina and Huilen followed not far behind.  They all stopped dead in their tracks.

“How could you?” Aro demanded.  “After everything I said.  You lied to me and you went behind my back.  You will suffer the consequences.”

“But master.  You betrayed us.  They were a threat and you were doing nothing about that.  How could you not see that master?” Jane answered in her childlike, high-pitched angelic voice.

“The Cullens are not a threat.  They don’t want to rule our world.  They want to live happily, with no worries, doing no harm to our world.  These are the good guys. They don’t want to be in charge.  They don’t want to take our power.  Carlisle doesn’t even like the killing of vampires, bad or good.  They are just a big happy family spending time living their lives doing no wrong” Aro yelled back.  He must have felt quite strongly about this.

“They might want power in the future” Jane retorted.

“No.  We wouldn’t” Edward snapped back.

“And where is Caius?  Huh?  The COWARD!” Aro yelled.  He was so angry.  I had never seen him angry before.  Only ever cheery, or fake cheery.  Never angry.  This was very new to me, and I think everyone.  This must have been the first or rare times that Aro had became angry.  Everyone was staring at him wide-eyed in shock.  Even Marcus and Demetri.

Jane didn’t answer.  Instead, she just charged at Aro and Marcus.  Demetri helped them and together they tore the little Jane apart.  Edward tossed Aro a lighter and Aro quickly lit Jane’s body part.  The only remains of the devil childlike beautiful vampire were the ashes underneath the thick purple cloud of smoke.

That’s when the fight started.

Rising Sun - A Twilight Saga SequelWhere stories live. Discover now