Survival Of Love (a Justin Bieber love story)

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 I knew the deal. I remembered it well, because my love relied on it. Straight A's, and I was allowed to stay with Justin. I swear I remembered it. Not that Dad would ever let me forget, anyway.   So when I got my report, I was devastated. Straight B's. WHY? WHY B's? I even cried myself to sleep that night, knowing that the next morning Dad would find out and hold me to my agreement.   You see, he doesn't like my Boyfriend of three years, Justin.

Hates him as a matter of fact. But we got through it; spending more time at his and out than at my place.  Not having casual dinner dates at my home or at the diner my Dad works at.   But now it was over. I had to end it. He had tried being strong on the phone but I could tell he wanted to cry as well. After all, love is not meant to be broken this way.   So then I thought...

What if  Dad didn't have to know? After all, what he doesn't know...

Wont hurt him..    


I paid close attention to Justin as he showed me how to move my fingers up and down the guitar properly. I was fine before, but for that song I had to have the right technique. I smiled as I picked it up so he grabbed his guitar and counted us both in so we could play together.

I loved the sound of his voice as he sang along to the strumming of the guitar making my heart skip a beat and my stomach do summersaults.

We laughed when I made mistakes and he was about to show me more when there was a bang from downstairs and I heard a car locking. We both jumped and looked at each other before throwing my guitar under my bed and I pushed him towards the closet.

"Wait, wait, wait! I know I have to go, but I'll just climb out the window! Calm down!" He murmured as he turned and hugged me close. 

"I love you Violet. Remember that."

He kissed me softly and then walked over to my window, throwing it open and jumping out with his guitar on his back just as my Dad slamed the door open.

"Afternoon sweetie! How was your day? Study hard?" He asked, smiling warmly.

"Of course Daddy. I always do." I replied as I stared down at my hands.

"But it didn't show in your grades, did it?"

"It did, really. I was taking all advanced classes, so a B is amazing for me."

"Of course, of course.. But not what I asked for. So did you break it off with dimwit?"

"Yes, Daddy. It's over.. happy now?" I looked up at him with sadness in my eyes. 

"Ecstatic, actually." A very large grin made its way across his face, he was drunk with power.

I looked back down at my hands and started to pick off the light blue nail-polish that I had on my long nails

"You say you have been studying all day?" He asked as he circled my room.

"Yes daddy.." I replied but didn't look up.

"Well where are your books? Surely you would have them out.." He was growing suspicious and we could not have that. 

"My books? Oh yeah, my books! I- uh.. just put them away." I pulled one of my famous fake smiles that were always convincing as his eyes searched my room one more time before releasing a sigh. 

"I'll be downstairs V- Wait.." He stopped mid-sentence and turned to my window that was still wide open from when Justin had climbed down my balcony.

"What is it?" I asked shakily, finally looking up to see what was going through his head. He approached my window slowly 

"Why is your window open Vi..?" He asked, peering over out onto the balcony 

"It was getting a little warm in here,I thought I would let in some cool air." My mind quickly made up an excuse and my mouth soon followed.

He pulled the windows shut and locked them

"Well we dont want you catching a cold now do we?" I shook my head in silence, not wanting to say the wrong thing.

"Well.." He continued from his last sentence, "I'll be downstairs. Dinner will be in an hour."

He kissed my forehead before stepping out of my room and clicking the door shut behind him.

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