Mr or Miss?

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Chapter 2: Mr or Miss?


" .....stasia!"

"Anastasia! Wake up!" A frail voice shrieked.

Urgh what is it now; I want to sleep, stop disturbing me!

Seriously. I love my sleep and I shall wake up when my alarm rings. Not a minute or second before.

"Come on now get up you're late for school" she said with an exasperated voice as she sporadically nudges me.

"Late?" I questioned in disbelief as I poked my head up from under the duvet and squinted, my eyes adjusting to light as I stared at Martha.

I am never late.

No really. Never have I ever been late. This can't be true. I refuse to believe this.

"My alarm hasn't even rang yet..." I pointed out as I reached for my phone, realising that I forgot to set my alarm!

What is up with me lately?

"Yes, you managed to forget somehow. Even though you're the one that usually wakes up first, now go get dressed" Martha said in a firm voice as she began vigorously shaking me.

I didn't need to be told twice.

I got up and went to the bathroom and then I quickly came back and opened my closet; I brushed my hair and picked out some black skinny jeans and a black hoodie as well as my black and white hightop converses. Oh and also grabbing my backpack before running out the door whilst tying up my hair.

I never manage to eat breakfast properly. Even when I wake up on time. The only thing I probably ever manage to do if I'm lucky is sip a little coffee then make my way out.


As I reach the reception I clear my throat to get the attention of the women sitting comfortably behind the desk.

I've never seen her before, was she new?

She had thick greasy black hair and thick black rimmed circle glasses with probably the biggest eyes I had ever seen which were only magnified with her glasses.

"Your late, Mr." She said not bothering to look up as she continued typing away on her keyboard viscously.

I cleared my throat again excusing the fact that she just called me a Mr.

"I need to sign in" I said quietly not wanting to get on the bad side of this woman.

"The sheets in front of you Mr." She stated as she put a pen on the table for me. Still not bothering to look up. Still not noticing the fact that I am not a Mr.

But really did she have to look up? Do I sound like a man?

I quickly signed my name on, "thank you.", I said trying to get her to look up as I fumbled with the sheet and pen.

She looked up at me and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, then she read aloud my name from the sign in sheet.

"Anastasia Dyer...", she still looked confused, "Reason for being late?" She had her eyes squinted as she tries to hold her intimidating eye contact.

"I had a dentist appointment" Oh calm down, 'tis a small white lie. No harm done.

She scrunched her nose and nodded as she wrote me a note to give my teacher for why I'm late.

"Scoot." She quickly said as she handed me the note and went back to typing God knows what on the computer.

I power walked to class as I mentally prepared myself for the embarrassment of walking in late.

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