Black Coats And Umbrellas [Chapter 21]

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“We are all gathered here today to celebrate the passing of Luke and Beau Brooks, this is indeed is a very sad day for us all, we have lost two very great people” the priest started.

Jai and Gina sat on either side of me holding my hand, the crowd was filled with fans of the past when the boys made videos, there friends, family, and everyone who has ever been touched by them. It was a gloomy day, rain trickled down the windows of the chapel, grey clouds filled the sky and a cold wind howled outside.

“I’d like to call on Jai Brooks to the podium” the priest said, I gave Jai’s hand a tight squeeze before he left to go onto the podium

Tears were freely falling down Jai’s face, anyone could tell he was hurting the most out of Gina, Jai and I. “Hi everyone, first of all, id like to thank you all for coming and taking the time out of your day to do this, I know they would have appreciated it” Jai said weakly motioning to the coffins, thankfully he was using a microphone so everyone could hear him, he let out a shaky breath before starting his speech.

“My brothers may have meant something to each and every one of you, personally, they were not only big brothers to me, but also my best friends. I remember when me and Luke were just starting high school and Beau was in year 9, Luke and I got teased sometimes and Beau was always getting into fights for us because he didn’t want to see us get hurt. Beau was such a character, he knew when to be serious and when to joke around, which was a lot. He could be very immature at times but that was because he never wanted to grow up, it was like he was a child stuck in a young man’s body. He was also polite, the kind of guy that would open the door for ladies or help mum with house chores and all the rest.

As for Luke, he was my twin brother, I know I have always said I don’t like having a twin, but I can’t imagine life without one, and this week without one has been one of the hardest weeks of my life, possibly the hardest actually. When people got us mixed up I really didn’t mind, I wouldn’t mind being him, he was such a kind, down to earth person. Once when we were little Luke, Beau, Nonna and I were outside and there was a dead spider in the pot plant outside, Beau was really scared and Luke and I just stood well away, Nonna picked it up and flung it towards Beau, and he ran inside screaming and crying, Luke went and stepped on the spider and I tried to convince Beau to come back out and that Luke killed it.

I remember one time, my brothers and I sat down just after Michael Jackson’s death in 2009, and we talked about what our funerals would be like and how we would want it to be. My brothers didn’t like seeing people cry, especially their family and the people they love. They told me they wanted it to be a celebration of how good their lives were, not that they had passed.

I know my brothers left lots of things undone and others that they never had a chance to start. But I promise I will continue what they have started and hopefully fulfil their dreams for them. This is just my small way of saying thank you for everything they did for me.

Let’s just be thankful for all the special moments that my brother has left us. And with that, I hope that my brother will continue to live on within our hearts and minds. Thank you”

Jai said confidentially letting the tears fall, while placing flowers on top of their coffins. He also put down a picture; it was a picture of when they were in the Janoskians, the album cover of their first single they released at Sony. I could see he was struggling to say what he did but I was extremely proud he did.

He took a few steps over to us before falling into his mums arms crying, I couldn’t help but join in the hug, it was my turn to make a speech, I stood up leaving Jai and Gina, I looked into the crowd noticing fans crying, they all had Janoskians t-shirts on, some still had signatures from the boys on there. I let out a shaky sigh, and started my speech.

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