Paint Me A RainBow

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Paint Me A RainBow Once Again


Where the sun shines and wind whistles

where mourning turns to joy

No pain, no tears

only laughters

Paint me a rainbow once again

Let this rain stop

and storms go away

oh Bright and Morning star

Paint me a rainbow once again

Where the flowers bloom and birds sing

where war turns to peace

no hatred, no rage

only Love

Let this rain stop

and storms go away

oh Bright and Morning star

Paint me a rainbow once again

Where there's only singing

dancing and feasting

where there's only ringing

jumping and playing

Paint me a rainbow once again

And remind me of your promise.


this poem is from my compilation: "lyrics of my heart"

poem by Meyh Lin


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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