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An angel

that's what you call me

but now you are seeing it

the demon that I am

the monster that controls me

an endless battle of control

So why do you do it

why do you always have to

save me from hurting myself

like I hurt you

why do you always have to

to save me and protect me

Even though I keep hurting you

you always smile and tell me

"I love you"

How can this be

you dont deserve to be hurt

specially by me

 If im an angel then 

I must be the Devil's angel

Cursed in chains hurting those i love

Dammed to Earth by broken wings 

Drenched in my own blood

Already given up on fighting

laying and waiting in the darkness

Your light keeping me company

only if I touch that light I turn part of it black

hurting you,but you still love me

I dont understand.

"I love you" 

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