To Shine w/out Light

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am sunshine?

They tell me,

that I am of light,

and good times and heart.

They think it is all gone,

the darkness I showed them last year.

Or maybe they don’t, but it’s still there.

I feel it- black, writhing, and hidden in shadow.

Lurking in the deepest part of me, it remains alive,

slithering among the dark things, the private things, perfectly camouflaged.

But I am, in the same talent, an actress.

Alive it may be, but I still shine.

I am a coward, hiding in happiness.

Do not be fooled by façades.

See me as I am,

a puppet- limp and

afraid of darkness,

Am I,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2012 ⏰

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