In the beginning...

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Australian X Factor Grand Final


Ash's P. O. V

".... And the winner... Of the 2016... Australian X Factor ... Is..."

God why do they stall for so long!? Come on and anounce the-

"Under luck!"

The crowd explodes. Us 5 just stand there like fools. I'm the first to snap out of it. I sart to jump around like an even crazier person than normal. We won. We won the Austalian X Factor! Nothing will be the same again.


Spencer's P. O. V

"Speeeennncceerrr..." someone whispers in my ear. If I pretend I'm asleep they won't wake me up. Hopefully.

Someone pokes my face. Ouch.

"Spencer!" they shout.

I jump.

"Mhahuwosp" I mumble. I roll over before then pulling myself onto my elbows. Rubbing my eyes, I come face to face with one of my best friends, Lacey.

"Lacey? Have you broken into my apartment again!" I ask tiredly.

"Morning sunshine!" she says brightly. It's evil to be this happy this early. But then again Lacey is pretty evil.

"Your evil" I say flatly.

"But you still love me!" she says jumping up and down on my bed. Gahhh she is annoying, but right.

"Come on!! Come on!! We have to go meet the girls!! We havent meet up together for ages!" she says before pouting.

"By ages do you mean yesterday?" I ask with a grin. She is a strange one this girl.

"Yes. Now get up! I've already got your clothes out just change! I'll be just outside, ok?" she says before jumping up and running out without waiting for my answer.

I roll of my bed an land on the floor with a thump.

"Are you ok!?" Lacey calls from outside.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I call back. I stand up and pad over to my open cupboard. I see the outfit Lacey has chosen for me, a bright summery dress which will look great with my long legs and if I can get Lacey to plait my hair down my back. I quickly jump in the shower and have one of the shortest showers, only because I can hear Lacey about to break the bathroom door down. 1 point for Spencer for locking the door. I finish and slide into the yellow dress and slide on a pair of strapy silver shoes.

I unlock the door to find Lacey lying upside down against my door. She falls down and knees herself in the face. Oops.

"Are you ok?" I ask giggling as she frowns and rubs her forehead.

She sighs a "fine" before jumping up an dragging me outside. As she drags me I notice she is wearing a shortish dark blue dress with colorful spots on it. She finishes the outfit with each finger (except the ring finger of course ) with a different ring.

We hop into the elevator and travel down to the 2nd floor. I live on the 5th floor and one of our other best friends, Delilah, lives on the 2nd. We are pretty close. Lacey runs straight to Delilah's door and knocks loudly. I bet Delilah's neighbors could hear that. If they werent deaf bats. Hehe.

"Del-" Lacey gets cut of as Delilah flings open the door and embraces her in a huge hug. Delilah's bright orange hair is braided down across her shoulder with a light blue ribbon at the end. The ribbon matches the blue tie dyed shorts and navy 3 quarter sleeved top she was wearing. This girl has a wicked sense of style.

"Hey Spence!" she cries as she finally let's Lacey out of the hug. She runs over and now tackles me into a hug.

"Hi Dellie" I say cheerfully.

Delilah locks her apartment door and we start to head to the elevator.

"So how did you wake this one up?" Delilah asks Lacey as she elbows me in the boob. Ouch.

I roll my eyes and try to discreetly rub my sore boob. Beach.

The two just giggle as Lacey starts her story of how she broke into my apartment. Again. At least once a month she breaks in, but always a different way. I need to change the locks.

We exit the lobby thingo (I've never know what to call it) and head over to the curb. Wow. There is 3 cars parked there. My green mini Cooper, Delilah's light blue Combi Van and Lacey's old Shelby Cobra.

"Meet yous at Grahem Park?" Lacey says as she pulls out her mobile.

"Sure" Delilah calls out walking over to her Combi.

"I'll just text the girls and I'll meet you there, ok Spence?" Lacey says.

"For sure" I reply hopping into my mini and speeding off.

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