C is for Calamari Incident

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  • Dedicated to the Stoll brothers and their beautiful pranks!

Yola! Sorry about the huge delay, but I've been busy with drums and tennis and piano . . . but I'm trying to write faster and get my stories posted sooner so that you fans can be well-fed and happy (enough to vote and comment on my stories) So, here's the third chapter! And by the way, this chapter is a reference to something Travis said in A is for Aphrodite. I hope you enjoy! Oh, and also can anyone give me ideas for an E drabble for future references? I would really appreciate it! Enjoy ; )

C is for Calamari Incident

Travis' POV

It was a normal day on Camp Half-Blood, with the sun shining down, the cool breezes here and there, and the screams of recently pranked campers. Pranked by yours truly, of course. Campers were spread out here and far, doing their daily activities and sharing laughs and smiles. It was nice and well . . . normal.

Travis doesn't do normal.

He was getting bored of everything, the daily routines and the weekly schedules and the rules. Rules. Ugh, that word sent shivers down his spine. Rules. Phst, who was the loser that invented such a thing?

Probably a teacher, they were always out to get him.

But like he always says, rules were made to be broken. And broken they were after he was done with them.

He wanted to do something exciting and fun and well . . . not normal. It was a perfect day (like always) and he wanted to have fun.

Pranks. Pranks always cheer him up! He could do a prank on . . . on . . .

Athena cabin?

Nope, they were way to smart for him and Conner. Plus, they finally started to outsmart all of his pranks, being the 'wiser children' and always trying to resolve the problem with words and thought, blah blah blah. They weren't fun to prank, let's just leave it at that.

Ares cabin?

No way! They would punch his lights out! Well, harder than the average camper would . . .


Nobody's home.


Okay, I admit I'm a little stupid, but I mean, come on! I'm not that stupid!


No, they have so many booby traps and security systems, you couldn't walk by their cabin without getting electrocuted, or atttacked by lasers, or get your clothes sprayed by invisible paint and then have it shown on the big screen at camp so that everyone can see from that hidden camera they installed in the doorway . . . okay, fine! It was one time! Don't judge!


Nobody's home.


Been there, done that! It was starting to become a bore.


Nico, was never really there so he might not really get to witness the beauty.


No way! It is against the book to pull a prank on your fellow siblings and co-workers. And I wasn't going to betray the book anytime soon.


No one home.


No, me and Will made a pact, which kind of sucks. It was because . . . hmmm . . . actually, come to think of it, I have no idea why we made that pact! Gasp! He tricked me! Oh wait . . . so that's why he gave me that twix bar . . . eh, whatever. Moving on!

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