Chapter 23

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Hellooooo nebulous wattpad readers! I apologize very much about my absence. It's been a busy summer. Anyway, you've been waiting for this chapter, I know. It's a bit... de ja vu.

~Chapter 23~

 Beep. Beep. Beep. 

 The monitor keeping track of my consistent heartbeats stood to my left. To my right, I picked up a muffled conversation. My eyes opened to take in the hospital room view I knew I'd find. Funny how easily I'd grown familiar with it.

 "Ainsley! Oh, honey, your father and I were so scared... This stalking this has gotten way out of hand. Your father is out right now talking to agents from the witness protection program. I've already hired movers and-"

 "Mom, no!" I blurted. My temples throbbed painfully. "We can't move. I'm not running away now, I'm so close, so close to catching the tail."

 She stared at me, shocked. "You will do no such thing as finding your stalker! That is for professional detectives only. You are a senior in high school, sweetheart, and crime solving is none of got business," she sternly. "Besides, this is your second time in the hospital within two months! No. Absolutely not. We are moving, and that is that."

 I crossed my arms. "Mom, please don't do this. I'm almost eighteen, I won't be uprooted in my last year of high school." How I wished she'd listen to me.

 Mom's eyes brimmed with glittery tears. "Ainsley, your father and I talked deeply about this and we think this would be the wisest move we could make at this point in time. I'm sorry, but this is for your safety and for our peace of mind. Try and put yourself in our positions."

 I shook my head defiantly. "I'm not going."

 She fixed me with her 'mom' glare. "Yes, you are."

 "No, Mom. I'll stay with a friend if you decide to kick me out, but I am not leaving." She pursed her lips, picked up her purse, and walked out of my hospital room stiffly. My heart ached. I hated doing this, but I wasn't willing to leave these loose ends untied.

 Seneva skipped into my room, strawberry blonde waves bouncing up and down. Her navy blue eyes sparkled with... Something. I was doused with a serious sense of de ja vu.

 She climbed up onto my bed and sat on my feet. "Hi, Ainey."

 "Neva," I greeted her cautiously. She picked at her fingernails and stuck her pinky in her mouth, looking at me all the while.

 "He's here again."

 I debated whether or not to take the bait. Curiosity won out. "Who's here?"

 She giggled. "The handsome guy from last time!"

 Flashing memories of sea foam green eyes, and light brown hair filtered into my mind. Was it... He was... Here? Again? Why?

 Seneva carefully watched the expressions flitting across my face. "Daddy's talking to him again. They're by the lelegators."

 "Elevators," I corrected her automatically. "And why are they talking? What are they talking about?

 She shrugged. "Grown up stuff. Did you know you sprained your wrist? The doctor asked me what color thingymabob you should wear because you were asleep. I chose green!" She said happily.

 I smiled at her cuteness. "Thanks, Seneva. Do you know when the doctor is coming in?"

 Practically right on cue, there were three raps on the door. "May I enter?" a friendly, male voice questioned.

 "Come in!" Neva crowed. "It's doctor Mendleson! He's nice," she bobbed her head.

 The middle aged doctor with salt and pepper hair and kind blue eyes entered the room with a dreadful clipboard. "Good afternoon, Miss Winters. How are ya feelin'?"

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