Chapter 1

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 -Ashley's P.O.V-

I put my usual clothes on. A white top, black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. But today was no ordinary day.. It was summer, and I was going to my most favorite place! SUMMER CAMP!

As I look at myself in my mirror, my phone then rings.

I pick it up. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Ashley!" My four best friends said in unison. Lucy, Alyssa, Jessica, and Moe.

"Can't wait to see you guys there! Are you on your way?" I asked.

"You're late! We got here before you did!" I hear Moe's voice.

"I'll be there soon anyway. My mom's gonna drop me over." I say playing with the things on my table.

"Mkay. See ya later girl!" Alyssa said and then I heard a chorus of goodbyes from the other girls as I chuckled hanging up.

I quickly do all my make up and pack it up inside my purple suitcase.

I smile whispering a bye to my room and walking down the stairs to my mother. I wasn't gonna see my mom, dad, and brother for 21 days.

"Bye guys," I smile at my dad and my brother taking me into a big hug.

"No boys!" My dad holds a finger at me.

I roll my eyes. "Like I ever hang out with any?" I shrugged as they laughed.

I wave one last time and get into my mom's mini van. I then put all my things at the backseat and then we're off.


"LUCY!" I grinned at the first person I saw on the campsite as she smiled widely grasping me into a tight hug.

The last time I've seen her was last summer.

"Hey Ashley!" She gives me a rub on the back as we pull away from the hug.

I walk with her to their cabin.

"Don't worry, we requested you'd stay with us." She tells me.

"Yay! And no that isn't sarcasm." I laughed.

"Hey Ashley!" I smile at the three other girls who said my name.

I each hug them individually. "Hey Moe! Hey Alyssa! Hey Jessica!" I say all their names as they laughed.

"Now that's your bed." Jessica points at the one at the way back of the cabin in the right corner.

"Wow. I completely regret not getting here early." I chuckled walking over to it setting my two heavy suitcases on that bed.

There was one king sized bed which Alyssa and Moe shared, and two individual beds like the one I had for Lucy and Jessica.

I smiled. "What's the first thing we have to do?" I asked.

Lucy bit her lip digging for something in her handbag.

She then handed me a piece of paper, which was the whole schedule for the day.

"First thing is.. Bonfire at 4? It's 3 now. Soo in an hour?" I glare at all four girls.

They nodded.

-Harry's P.O.V-

*2 Hours Before Ashley went to summer camp*

I was holding a pie in my hand running away from all four boys chasing me through the long hallway. We were here just chilling. Not really chilling.. More like doing some things that got us into real trouble. I mean we're teenagers right?

"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME SUCKERS!" I shout as I hear the footsteps behind me. When I turn around I see them way far back.

I laughed, but when I turned around the pie seemed to smash into something.

I gasped. It was Simon.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Uncle Si.. I really didn't-"

He just closed his eyes in both disappointment and anger wiping the whipped cream all over his face.

"Boys, living room, now." He talked through gritted teeth as all four boys looked at me with wide eyes as they saw what I accidentally did to Simon.

We all sat on the red L shaped couch as Simon sat in the seat in front of us. He didn't look to happy.. I think it's because we've been getting into a lot of trouble lately. This wasn't the first time. And it was only mid July.

"Boys, you've been getting in a lot of trouble lately. With security, your stylist, other people that are in charge of you, and lastly me. I have made my decision, but I've been thinking of doing this long ago. You need a lesson, and somewhere that'll actually teach you how to stay out of your trouble." He explained.

Now all of us boys were just looking at him with concentrated faces as we waited for him to say what he needed to say.

He finally decided to answer. "You're going to summer camp."


How was the first chapter? I know it is very short, but I suddenly got the idea to write something like this. lol Soo I hope you enjoyed this, and stay tuned for Chapter 2!


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