War Angel

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War Angel

Chapter One: Disgust

The wall behind me rumbled as the angry swarm of deadly bullets assaulted it. I hid behind my knees and covered my ears, praying for it to end quickly. Shouts and confusion enveloped a small group of soldiers as bullets rained down on them. I sat, weeping in the corner trying not to watch them. The first soldier fell to the ground, clutching his dying body, willing to pick himself up and fight for his country once more. That is when he saw me.

I sat motionless in the corner as we stared at each other. Everything went silent in the chaos for an instant. He began to reach out towards me as a faint smile spread across his tortured face. Then bullets screamed through yet another soldier and hit the wall directly behind me shattering the stone behind my back. The man turned to see the cruel world around him once more but when he turned back, I was gone.

I ran, screaming, my sadness upon the attacking men. I wanted to rip their hearts out and blind them with their own painful bullets. They were killing fathers, brothers, husbands, sons. Didn't they see the pain they brought into the world and didn't they see the fate they have brought to those few men protecting what they had left of each other, wouldn't they see that that very fate was to be brought down upon them also? I hated it. The whole idea of war disgusted me as it had no meaning. The only thing war was supposed to do was to eliminate humanity; to extinguish its number and population only for more children to be brought up to kill each other over and over again. Some sick form of entertainment.

My screams didn't reach them. I stood behind the man raining the most bullets upon that group. I wrapped my arms around the man's shoulders and cried into his back.

"Please stop." I was unheard to his ears. I hugged tighter only to find myself crying louder. I was only thrown back into the world I tried to leave along with its horrific memories. That person said I have a mission, that there was a job for me and I couldn't leave. If this was the job for myself then I don't want it, I would have rather burned in the depths of darkness than have to live this cruel life again.

I could hear the dying man's cry over the screeching machine guns around me. He called to me. I left the man I had my arms around and ran further away. Chaos was everywhere. The city was abandoned in panic and the sadness it left behind came crashing into my mind. If you could find evidence of a peaceful time here, you would have found a miracle. I saw no miracles here or in any other battles. I only felt the fear and panic of the soldiers on either side of me as they became sacrifices to their own country's desires and everything under the grey, muggy skies.

Chapter two: Peace?

My death was fast. I had been escaping with my family before the invasion of my city. The sirens had begun to scream early in the morning. My mother cried as she hurriedly gathered my two younger brothers out of bed. I packed a rough bag of clothes and forced my sleepy body out onto the icy streets just as everyone else did. My little brothers grasped at my nightgown. Mother was behind us when the rush of uneasy citizens hit the street. We all moved in one direction; East.

The neighboring countries had already agreed to house the families fleeing from the rubble. All we had to do was get there. There had been previous evacuations done by the opposing military; however, tonight seemed different from the moment I stepped onto the streets. People didn't stay calm, they ran towards the train station.

"Where did Momma go?"

I didn't have time to confirm our mothers whereabouts before the first gunshot rang out into the dark sky. That's all it took and people panicked. I heard the first screams and felt the crushing of stampeding bodies. The two tiny hands grasped firmly in mine seemed so far away as I tried pulling my brothers closer to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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