Chapter 53

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Sarah's point of view:

Looking at Harry in the booth, singing along to the music, bobbing his head to the rthym. Watching him live his dream, his smile when he hit the right note.It made my heart flutter. "Alright, Harry that's wrap. You did great! come back next week to finish the song" Harry nods and takes the headphones off and sets them on the microphone. He walks out and takes a sip of water.

"Zayn and I are going out to lunch later, We're going to discuss the wedding with Sam and Liam" he looks at me weirdly. "Zayn is walking me down, and Liam is walking Sam down. We're going dress shopping babe" he nods and grabs my hand and his bag in the other hand. "You, Niall, and Louis are going to pick out the cake, Sam wanted Niall to try the food" he chuckles and opens the car door.

"Wait, don't we have to go look at places for the wedding?" He starts the car to Dubstep playing thanks to me. "Yeah, we're doing that next week. Sam and I agreed that we would have our wedding in the same place, and same day" He shakes his head while laughing.

"You guys are so weird" I stick my tongue out at him as he pulls out of the record place. "Harry, do you think that we will last?" this time his grip on the stering wheel tightens. His knuckles turn white, "Yes. I do" his voice shaky, and cold. Quiet surprise if you ask me, "Hazza what's wrong?" I place my hand on his cold hands.

"Nothing, I just don't get why you always ask me that question damn it. Like do you not beleive in us?" He pulls into Starbucks parking lot and just looks at me. "Harry, you know that's not what I mean. My life is so fucking fantastic with you" I roll my eyes and look away.

"Take me home" He groans and starts up the car again and drives us home. Complete silence, once home I got out of the car and slamed the car door shut, and stormed into the house with Zayn on the couch eating ice cream. "Hey furball" He laughs but than see's me pissed stops.

"What happened?" I glare at Harry who comes storming in and walking upstairs, "I'm engaged to a bitch" he screams before slamming our door room shut, "YOU'RE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH MISTER!" I chase after him.

"You started it so you sleep on the couch!" he throws a pillow at me, I groan and walk downstairs with the pillow. "I Can't marry him. Do you see the way he treats me!" I scream and throw the pillow down in rage. Zayn just stays quiet, I lay my head on the pillow on his lap as he rubs my back.

"Sarah, calm down. What happened this time?" I sighed and rolled my eyes at how he over reacted. "I asked him if he thinks we'll last with all this fighting and he started screaming at me" I try to hold in the tears, knowing that he would want to call off us.

"Calm down" he gulps hard, "Zayn can I ask why you and Krista broke up?" His grip on my waist tightned. "We had nothing in common, I just think I wanted someone to get my mind off you. Since your with Harry. She just didn't like how I looked at you, I don't know" I got up and huged him.

I buried my head in his shoulder as he just rubbed my back, "I love you Zayn, thank you for being here for me" I smile into his skin, smelling his abecrombie scent. "Sarah, I'm sorry if I created any shit between you and Harry" he says into my shoulder. I shake my head and I feel his lips turn into a smile.

I head a loud cough and look over to Harry walking down the stairs slowly, I roll my eyes and unwrap my arms from Zayn, I quickly say sorry because I hate Harry being mad at me. "You can come upstairs now" he stares at Zayn. "Stay away from her" and with that Harry was upstairs, Zayn just looking at me hurt. I bite my lower lip and walk up with Harry feeling guilty.

Once upstairs Harry took off his shirt showing his new tattoo on his wrist. "Harry, we can't live like this. We are always fighting" I sit on the bed taking off my sandals with my socks on. I throw my red hair into a pony tail, with it hanging on my back. "Yeah, well you can't just keep going to Zayn"

"Really, that's cold Harry. Bring this on me, k cool" I roll my eyes and lay down. There was a knock on the door, "Sarah, Sam is here with Liam" I smile and throw on my sandals again and walk out ignoring Harry who has a very annoyed look on his face.

I groan when I see Niall and Sam kissing on the couch, that used to be me and Harry, so happy and full of life. Zayn just rubs my back and kisses my cheek. I walk into the kitchen to get some water, put I was spinned around fast.

Before I could see how it was, I felt hard lip on mine, I set the cup down and wrap my arms around the person. I couldn't pull away. He pulls me in closer, deepening the kiss. After awhile I pull back and open my eyes.

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