Tears On A Canvas ch.5

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Chapter 5

The day seemed to go on forever, but finally the lights flickered off, and the exit signs illuminated the doorway.

All day I couldn't stay still, always fidgeting desperately wanting to get out into the open air.

Now was my chance, the halls empty and the guards mindlessly chatting, unaware of their surroundings.

I took a very deep breath, sucking the air from the museum and breathing out the scent of freshly painted walls. Normally it was an intoxicating smell, but to me it smelt like fresh flower buds.

'Okay all you have to do is just step out...yeah that's it' I thought to myself.

Before I could lift my foot, a pale yellow beam of light shown onto my canvas. I completely froze. The cop came up to me examining me carefully...I tried not to blink.

I looked at the cops badge, it said Tom.

Tom sighed, giving me one last look over the shoulder and left the room.

I sighed also and then prepared again to take a giant leap into possibly a new life.

My heart picked up speed, fluttering like a humming bird.

"Okay here I go" I whisper to the room.

I lift my right foot; it feels light like a feather, as if it will float away at any moment. I put it back down for support and then place one hand on the chair to steady myself and push up. I let go and wobble, I'm still in the canvas but I can see the 'screen' of where I must get out. Its clear like a window, I place my hand on it and push on it. It's like putting a hand through jello it slides through to the other side and I can feel a light breeze on my hand. I slide my whole arm out, and then the rest of my body. I look around and can taste freedom so close. Instead of falling to the ground, I jump and close my eyes.

When I look up I'm startled, because I'm staring right at my painting with a gaping hole of where I should be.

Not only that but I am the size of a normal human, still wearing my silky dress. I lift up the bottom so its not dragging on the floor, and take a tentative step. I shake like a leaf, and almost fall.

Footsteps come from the hall...

'Oh no, what am I going to do now?' I ask myself.

Instead of wobbling away, I just stand as still as a statue.

The light shines on me and my perfectly smooth arms tingle at the touch.

"Hello miss. You shouldn't be in here, we have already closed the museum" A deep voice says.

I swing my head to the left, to find Tom staring at me with his flashlight shining brightly into my eyes.

"Oh yes, sorry" My voice sounds like a masterpiece painting through the air.

His eyes widen and he drops his light.


"Yes?" I dare him to ask.

"You must have been in the bathroom when we locked up" he states brushing off the incident that happened only a few seconds ago, but his eyes still show knowledge of what he has seen.

"Follow me, miss" he walks off into the hallway.

I follow him into the darkness, hearing the clacking of his shoes echoing off the walls. Finally we reach the entrance and he opens the door, into the breezy night.

"Here we are" he gently pushes me out the door, and with one final look at me, he closes the door.

I look up to see the moon shining a beautiful creamy white, the stars shining like glinting silver; I'm filled with joy.

The passing of a car brings me back to reality.

I'm locked out of my home, and who knows what will happen when the bright sun comes out?

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