Did you forget?

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----Louis P.O.V.-----

"Get lots of popcorn" Niall screamed as he walked into the bathroom.

"Okay!" I screamed back.

I walked over to the Snack Bar of the Movie theatre we were at. Harry and Liam went to save our seat so I was with Zayn who kept on checking his reflection in a mirror that appeared to come from no where.

"Zayn? Zaaaayynie Pooh" He looked up "What do you want?" I asked him.

"Umm, I want a Coke and some of those gummy things" checking his reflection one last time and slipping the mirror into his pocket. "Need help carrying all of this?"

"Yeah. Here grab the drinks, I got the popcorn and candy." There was barely anybody there, probably because it was a Wednesday. There was the occasional old couple.

We grabbed all the food and Niall walked out of the bathroom and ran up to us.

"Need help?" He asked and me and Zayn shook our heads.

My phone rang. "Wait yes, answer my phone, it's in my back pocket"

"Eww, Do you I have to touch your butt?" He whined.

"Ugh, here grab the food." Knowing he wouldn't mind that. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, It was Grace.

"Hey Gracie!" I said smiling even though she couldn't see it.

"This is Linda Reese from Saint Gills Hospital. We found her phone and you were under Emergency Numbers" A woman said.

My face fell.


"Are You Louis Tomlinson?"

"Ye- Yes" I stuttered.

"Grace Tress was in a car accident and she's in very bad condition, you need to come right away."

"I'm on my way!" I said.

"Niall go get Harry and Liam, Zayn come on we have to go NOW" I screamed as the tears streamed down my face.

Niall didn't question me and ran to get the other boys and me and Zayn ran to the car and we waited about 30 seconds before the rest of the boys jumped in the car.

"What's going on?!" Liam screamed from the back seat.

"It's Grace" Nobody asked any questions. We rode in silence except for my sobbing, I really shouldn't be driving, I could barely see anything.

Surprisingly we made it to the hospital Un-injured, and ran up to the Front Desk.

"Where is Grace Tress?" I yelled at the lady.

She frowned "Room 213"

We all took off up the stairs to room 213. When we got there we ran into her door without knocking and got rushed out by a doctor, who told us to sit in the waiting room.

When we got to the waiting room a different doctor walked in an introduced himself.

"I'm Doctor Crainer. Your friend Grace Tress has been in a car accident. She's been unconscious since she's been here, and she could be in a coma, we're uncertain" He said in what should have been a calming tone, but it made me mad how calm he could be about it.

"How are you uncertain?! You're a doctor for Christ's sake!" I screamed at him. My eyes were burning, as well as my throat. Harry rubbed my back, he was crying too.

I pulled away from him. "Don't touch me" I screamed at him. I looked at him and saw how hurt he was by this, but I didn't care, I was hurting too.

"She hasn't been unconscious long, she could be fine, we just don't know yet, I'm going to give you boys some time alone" He said and walked out of the room.

I could hear the boys crying around me. Why did I snap at Harry? This isn't his fault. It's mine.

All of this was my fault, If I hadn't been so lazy and just drove us to the movies, this wouldn't have happened. I wasn't mad at anyone but myself. I wanted to die, but I went to sleep instead.

I was woke up a little while later by the same doctor walking into the room and clearing his throat.

"Grace is awake, only one of you can go in to see her, but I have to tell you about one thing" We all nodded for him to go on.

"She hit her head, and she has Amnesia" We all sat there, not saying anything, I don't think we could.

I think at that moment when he said that we all died inside. My heart stopped, as well as my breathing. My body wanted to black out, but I wouldn't let it. All I heard was a ringing in both of my ears.

"Louis. You go" Niall said breaking me out of my trance.

I nodded and followed the doctor to Grace's room. She was awake but looked surprised when the doctor left me there alone.

"Hey Grace" I said still shedding tears.

"Who are you?" I went into that room with one little bit of hope, but with those three words every ounce of hope drained from my body.

"I.. Um." The lady from the front desk came in and told me I had a phone call. I took the phone and went out to the hallway.

It was Cameron, I had forgot all about him. I forgot most of what was said, except for the fact that he was coming and he didn't let me tell him she had Amnesia.

I guess he would have to find out the hard way.


Heyyy Guys!

Sorry for the sad chapters!

And Thanks for Reading and voting!

I love all of you guys very, very, very much!

Hmmm. So since Grace doesn't remember anything so that means...

She could end up with ANY of the boys (; Who do you ship now ?


Love you guise :3 -Kylie

I Was Born to Tour With You *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now