The Beautiful Killer- Chapter 7- The Legend Isn't Done with Her

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The Beautiful Killer- Chapter 7

The Legend Isn’t Done with Her







An Evil Beauty


On Every Land…


                And so she told them. She told them every gruesome moment of her horrible life. She told them with excruciatingly vivid detail. She kept going from beginning to end- the end being their current situation. She said each word precisely with no hesitation whatsoever so they could listen to her with no worry of hearing her or not.


And boy did they hear her.


As her life story drew to a close, Serenity rocked back onto her heels and clapped her hands together. The spell she had woven with just her words seemed to break with the clap. The sound echoed off of every dark corner in the small clearing. The darkness rumbled with the sound, anxious to do its master’s bidding at any moment.

“So, now you know. Now get the fuck off my property and leave me in peace.” She snarled.

“Serenity, we d-didn’t know. P-please just let us-” Ariana was cut off with Serenity’s roar.

“NO!” The darkness edged closer to the group as Serenity’s anger grew. “Archer be a dear and show our guests the door.” She turned to walk inside.

“We are not leaving you here Serenity.” Axel spoke up.

“Oh, really now Alpha?” She mocked.

“He is right Serenity. We can’t just leave you here now that we’ve found you after three years of searching.” Xander backed Axel up.

Serenity stared Xander in the eye, testing the boundaries of her emotionless state.

She only felt white hot rage.

Serenity smiled at the plan forming inside her mind. Her wolf shuttered and crept farther back in the recesses of her mind.

“Ok.” She simply stated.

The clearing froze in shock.

“W-what? What do you mean ‘ok’?” Brianna stammered, dumb-struck.

“Ok let’s go.” She smiled.

“Um go where?”  Ashanti asked.

“Let’s go back to California. I thought about it and it-” A tingling sensation ran through her veins. Her heart rate sped up and legs turned to a wobbly mess. Her breath came in gasps as she fell to her knees. She leant forward on all fours as her body convulsed in jerky shaky movements.

“Serenity!” Xander ran towards her.

“Get the fuck back!” She hurled a leash of darkness around his neck and pulled him back.

The moment having passed as quickly as it had come she leaned back onto just her knees. She looked at both her hands and her eyes widened. The inky black tattoo had spread and wove a story up her arms and onto her torso then down her thighs up to her knees.  

Donning an eerie smile, Serenity wagged her finger in two precise movements at Archer who had backed away and stared at her with guilty wide eyes.

Cocking her head to the side, she let all her fall to her one shoulder. Still grinning she promised death with one piercing stare aimed at Archer.

“Tsk. Tsk. You’ve been keeping something from me…Daddy Dearest.”



“The Alphas  have found her sir.”

“Have they really now?”

“Yes and she’s gotten her tattoos. “

“Excellent. That means she senses the others.”

“Should I proceed as planned sir?”

“Yes. Release them. Let’s let Serenity meet her brothers and sisters.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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