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Things Girls Do: (5)

1.) We love those awesome moments when someone we love randomly texts us.

2.) We smile at old people to show them we're not a teenage thug.

3.) Sunglasses allow us to stalk people without getting caught.

4.) We feel embarrassed when a package says 'easy open' and it takes us scissors, a knife, a gun and life sabers to open it.

5.) We don't care what your gender is. We're calling you 'dude'.

6.) We all have that one friend we greet with an insult.

7.) Summer (noun): The season where we never know what day it is.

8.) "Hey, cool, it bends!" *snap* "Oh sh*t."

9.) We run up the stairs like a gorilla because it's easier that way.

10.) Our parents always ask why we're on the computer, yet when we ask to go out they say 'no'.


Things Girls Do is back for a summer kick-off! How is everyone enjoying their summer? Hope it's all going good and drama-free.

IMPORTANT: In the mean time, while you're waiting for me to upload more, could you possibly, maybe check out my new story "Summer Tangled In Your Hair"? :') It would mean this much to me, you guys: (___________________) <- Alright, a lot more than that, but you get the picture, no? A BIG deal to me! I'd appreciate it so much! :'D Like seriously, if you check it out and I recieve a decent amount of feedback, look forward to a l o t more chapters of Things Girls Do.*snaps finger in Z-formation* Uh-huh, I didn't stutter! xD

Love y'all! Hope you have a good summer (and for those of you who are in school. . . HAHA! JK -- enjoy the rest of your schoolyear!). Stay safe everyone! Remember, hugs NOT drugs :* 

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