The Jock 3

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Sam Smith

his likes: sports(favourite is football), any music that's in, kissing, you, dogs, hamburgers

his dislikes: Justin Bieber, tofu, school, nerds, 

How you meet: School was starting to begin again which you werent too fond of but dealt with it anyways. At the beginning of the football season your school always had  fundraiser against your rival school. You and your friends decided to go instead of shopping, because Y/BFF/N's boyfriend was on the team this year. You decided on wearing a floral crop top, black leggings, and black and white converse. Once you get to the game your surprised to see that its already packed. Once you and your friends find a place to sit the game begins. Your friends keeps cheering for her boyfriend obnoxiously loud so you decide to walk over to the field. Once you get there you notice a very attractive guy. He starts to talk to you and says "Hey, your Y/N right? I'm Sam" you're confused on how he knows you "Umm yea. Sorry but how do you know me?" he smacks himself on the forehead realizing how creepy he probably just sounded "OMG yea I'm sorry, I'm Y/BFF/BF/N bestfriend" "oh well then its nice to meet you Sam". From there on out you and Sam exchanged phone numbers and hung out all the time.

A few months later:  You and Sam constantly hung out and one day he texted you "hey come meet me on the football field where we first met. I gotta tell you something. Cya there love;)". You were excited to see Sam and wondered what he wanted to tell you? As you pulled up to the field there was Sam with the whole football team shirtless with letters on their backs spelling out "Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" of course you ended up saying yes leaving you and Sam to be the cutest couple in school.

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