Chapter 7

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After another ten minutes, sitting in the car, Lance finally sighed and opened his door, "Might as well go and see if the old man is still alive in there." He mumbled warily as he glanced at his house.

"I know right, it would suck if we had to deal with the hassle of calling an ambulance on our first day as boyfriends." I laughed and Lance rolled his eyes at my joke.

"You're so insensitive."

"Whoa." I stopped mid-step and starred at him until he realized he wasn't walking next to me anymore.


"Sorry, I'm just trying to get over the shock of knowing that big words can come out of such a tiny brain."

"Shut up." Lance shook his head and continued walking to his front door. I hurriedly caught up to him while laughing.

"I'm just kidding. Your dad actually loves me deep inside. Once he realizes this then he's going to be welcoming me into his home with open arms and all that other cheesy stuff that in-laws do."

"In-laws? Are you asking me to marry you, Ryder?" Lance smirked as he opened the door.

"Psh! No! Better yet, HELL NO! Sorry, but you would be the one asking me!"

"Of course I would because I'm the man and the man always asks the woman..." He trailed off, chuckling, probably from the look of realization that crossed my features.

Shit, I am so not the freaking girl! God Ryder! Where did your manhood go?! I keep talking like this and I'm going to be making a trip into the bathroom just to see if I still have all of my boy parts!

I decided to just ignore Lance's comment because if you don't acknowledge it then it didn't happen, right? Right.

"DAD, I'M HOME!" I yelled loudly as I walked towards the kitchen, grinning widely when I 'heard a groan coming from the other side of the door.

Lance stopped me before I could go in and I looked up at him. He wore a smile that I knew all too well. Without even saying a word, I grinned back, knowing exactly what he wanted and I opened the door, walking in as Lance followed a step behind. Time to give his dad hell.

Mr. Tyler was leaned against the marbled counter, a drink in one hand and a jar of mayo in the other. I'm not quite sure why he's holding the mayonnaise but if Lance's plan goes bad and that bottle starts flying towards us, I'm shoving him in front of me and throwing myself through the door. Boyfriend be damned. It's every man for himself!

I'd have to be fast to because knowing Lance, he'd be hiding under the table, embarrassed about the girly scream that just left his mouth before the jar even left his dad's hand.

I laughed to myself at the clear picture in my mind.

"You really think that's funny Ryder?" My head snapped up at Mr. Tyler's voice and I looked at him in confusion. Lance hid a smile behind his hand as I cocked my head to the side, studying Mr. Tyler's reaction.

"In some countries it would be." I told him seriously, keeping my face blank to be sure he didn't guess that I had absolutely no clue about what I shouldn't have been laughing at.

"And what do you think your mother would do, huh? Do you think she would be laughing?"

"Oh, yeah. My mom would most likely be the one laughing the loudest!" At the shocked look on his face, I figured I should have said no so I decided to make it a little more believable, just to keep the lie going. "She's a freak like that." I shrugged as if saying, what can I do.

Lance coughed to hide his laughter and I glanced at him, leaning close. "What the hell are we talking about?" I whispered, keeping my eyes on Mr. Tyler as he just stood there shaking his head.

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