-Chapter 1-

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"Ainsley, wake up! Time for school!" my little sister says. I open my eyes slowly to look at her light brown, baby fine hair down to her shoulders, ever so slightly curled down towards the bottom. Her sparkling brown eyes were looking into my pale blue eyes with the cutest baby face I had ever seen. The funny thing is she's thirteen and she hates it when I call her "Baby-Face." But she's the most angellic thing I had ever seen.

I rub my eyes and sit up on my elbows, "School? Isn't today Saturday?"

She laughs, making me laugh to myself softly, "Ainsley, today's Monday."

I groan. I hate Mondays.

"Why is Mom making us go today? She never makes us go on Mondays."

My sister sighs, "Mom said she's got a day shift and a night shift at the hospital tonight. She won't be home at all tonight, but she's here until, like, 10 o'clock."

I'd laugh right in her face if it wasn't for her innocence of my mom's line of business.

My sister thinks my mom's such a good person, doing various jobs such as working at the hospital or as a maid. I'm not going to sugar-coat it, my mom's a prostitute, having sex for money. My sister's too innocent to understand what my mother does.

The funniest part about this? She's tried to get both me and my little sister to join her at work! She knows we're both underage. She knows my sister's only fourteen. She knows I'm only 16. She doesn't care. As long as she gets her money for her drugs.

"Ainsley! Suri! Breakfast!" my mother shouts up the stairs in her annoying, raspy voice.

"One sec, Mom!" Suri shouts back. I shoo her out of my room so I can change my clothes. I decide to put on some black skinny jeans and a dark blue t-shirt with a blank tank top underneath it. It may be June, but I never walk around in anything shorter than capris. Never again. As I pull out my black jeans, a skirt falls out. I pick it up an examine the white skirt.

"I never wear skirts," I say to myself. My eyes get wide as I realize what the skirt is. I throw it on the ground and scream loudly. This stupid skirt brought back bad memories.


"Come on, Ainsley, pull on the skirt I bought for you and let's go!" my mom shouts. I picked up the tube top that exposed my stomach and arms.

"This isn't even a shirt," I said softly to myself, "This is a rag." But Mom wanted me to wear it for "Bring Your Daughter To Work Day" at the hospital. I pulled it on, wishing it would grow and go down to my stomach. I was only 13, I shouldn't be wearing clothes like this.

I also pulled on my new favorite skirt that was skin tight and showed off my curves on my hips. The white denim skirt went right above my knees. I pulled on some high heels my mom also bought for me.

I walked into the bathroom to show my mom, "What do you think?"

She smiles, "Very pretty."

After giving me my make-up, we were off to the hospital. I imagined of white nurses dressed like Mom and hot doctors in scrubs like those off of a soap opera.

We then stopped at a random road and parked the car. I got out of the car, expecting a white building where you could smell the sterile air.

Instead we showed up at a dark brick building with the air smelling like sewage.

"Must not have a lot of money at this hospital," I thought to myself. My mom smokes a cigarette right outside the dark building.

"Now you wait here and wait for someone to pull up." my mom says, straightening out her nurse's outfit.

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