Chapter 2

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De's daughter is introduced in this chapter! Hope you enjoy!!!! 

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Chapter 2

"mummy, mummy, mummy, muuummmyyy!" I groaned and got up out of my warm, snug bed.

"Yes honey?" I asked quietly, walking into her room and gingerly turning the light on. She screamed so I quickly turned it back off.

"Honey it's me, it's ok, everything is allright, did you have a nightmare?" I asked quickly, rushing to her side. She nodded.

"What was it about honey?" 

"One D-d-direction and J-just-i-in Bie-biebe-er" she stammered. She was snuggled under her bedsheets up to her eyes and was lying in a fetal position, all bundled up overherself. Her eyes were wide with fear and her mouth was quivering. 

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"One Direction and Justin Bieber? How was that a nightmare?" I asked the poor, sweet, innocent little girl infront of me. Chloe loved One Direction and Justin Bieber. She may only be 4 but she's almost as, what do they call it? Dedicated as the rest of the fans who are in their teens or early twenties.

"Louis was c-c-coming aft-ter m-m-me with a c-cloth over h-h-is head y-y-yelling a-b-bout the l-l-light" I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"O...k then. How did Justin come into this?" I asked.

"He was l-l-laughing a-at m-m-me" tears started to well in her eyes.

"Oh Chloe! Chloe! Please don't cry! Come here!" I exclaimed, pulling her out of her bed and into my arms, "It's allright, ok? It's allright. They're gone now, they'll never do anything like that to you! Ok? You know they are a nice band" I reassured. She snuggled her head into my shoulder like she was a little baby again.

It took about five minutes before I managed to calm her down. 

"Mummy," she asked, "will I ever be able to meet them?" I looked at her in surprise.

"Meet who?"

"One Direction silly!" I laughed.

"Well, considering there are five boys and over 7million people in this world, hmmm, divide that by 4 times by..."


"Yes, I do believe you could have a chance later on in life" I smiled. Honestly I did not believe it one bit, but why break a 4year old's dream? She beamed.

"Yey!" I smiled.

"Come one, you know One Direction doesn't like 'twiggy girls,'" I used her words exactly, "so lets go get us some breakfast!"

"Yey! And they really don't mummy! Harry himself said 'It takes a few seconds to call a girl fat, it takes her a lifetime to starve herself' I dunno what exactly that means though, mummy what does that mean?" she asked, looking up at me, wonder filling her eyes.

"Oh um, some people when they get older and immature, think they are too big for anyone to like them and so they try to stop eating to get thin. But it is really dangerous, and they get so thin it is horrible and unhealthy. Don't you ever fall into that trap, ok? You can be loved no matter what dress size you are." I said sternly. I wasn't sure how I felt about telling this to a 4 year old, but I decided it wasn't that bad, anyway, she'd probably forget it soon. 

Chloe nodded seriously.

"I won't ever do that mummy! Never never never! Our tummy's need food!" she exclaimed. I smiled.

"Now you remember that promise when you get older ok?" she nodded. "And you're right," I said as I heard her little stomach grumble, "Our tummy's do need food, and they need it now! Come on, you can have a special treat today"

"Oh goodie goodie! What is it? Is it CocoPops?" 

"Yes, yes it is!" I answered pulling the new giant box of coco-pops out of the cupboard. She gasped in excitement and starting clapping and jumping up and down on the spot.


The phone rung while we were eating; my work phone.

I groaned and picked it up, "Hello?"

"Hello? Deandra?"

"Who else would it be?" I sighed "What's up Rose?"

"Well look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed! What's wrong?"

"Woke up to Chloe having a nightmare about One Direction and Justin Bieber. Starting to think I should limit her access to One Direction stuff, she asked about anorexia today"

"Woah! She's what, four, isn't she?"

"Yeah. Apparently Harry said some kind of quote about not calling a girl fat cause it takes them a lifetime to starve themselves whereas only a few seconds to call them fat or something like that" I explained.

"Ahh, Harry... he's the one with the curly hair right?"

"I wouldn't know" Rose laughed.

"All well, gotta get to work early today, we got a new lead"

"Of course we do," I sighed, "Ok I'll be there as soon as I can, just let me find a babysitter or something for Chloe"

"Ok. You know that you can always ask me whenever you need help with her right?" Rose offered. I smiled, she was a good, loyal friend.

"Yeah I know, thanks, Rose. But it's allright, you've got your own life to deal with" there was a short silence as we both thought about her family issues that are going on at the moment. Her grandmother died recently and it turns out she was the only one holding the family together. There was a huge family dispute going on at the moment now.

"Well... see you there?" Rose asked awkwardly. 

"Yeah, yeah definitely, give me a little while though" I answered, hanging up the phone. Chloe was looking at me wide-eyed. Damit she'd heard the whole thing. 

"Honey, I'm sorry I know I've been away from home a fair bit lately, but I've got a new case at work that's pretty big and-" she cut me off before I could finish.

"You're limiting my One Direction access!" she yelled.

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