8. Into The Ocean

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The continuous thunder had gotten so loud in the few seconds we stood there that I wouldn't have known he was trying to get through the door if his form hadn't moved slightly. My gaze hesitantly left his to check, and sure enough, the handle was jerking up and down sharply. It was definitely still locked, but I had no doubt Callem would figure out how to get it open fast. So then why wasn't I running?

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My hand slowly rose to the door's handle when it stopped moving. I knew his gaze was still on me, and I knew his song was beginning to take over again. It felt strange not being in control of myself. My left hand slid my badge through the scanner above the handle, the red light becoming green as it read the piece of plastic. I should have been scared. Actually, I was terrified, but as Callem slowly turned the handle down, moving my hand along with it, all I could feel was a need to get closer to him.

~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~

Heat blossomed from my wrist as he gently pulled me inside the dark room. The pools were reflecting the lightning just like in the main tank area, but there was no glass ceiling here, only a few small windows on the back wall, which kept the area relatively dim. I heard the faint click of the door as it shut behind me, then felt myself being pressed up against it. I quickly raised my hands to push him away, but my fingers just ended up splaying over toned muscle instead. Callem's body was still damp, the saltwater beginning to soak into my clothing where my body met his. Normally, once water leaves a pool, its temperature decreases, but somehow it felt far warmer than any of those pools would ever get.


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His song rang out hauntingly as he spoke, making me register in the back of my mind that he had the ability to sing and talk at the same time. Normally that would have ignited the scientist in me to try to figure out how it happened, but my mind was way too cloudy and Callem's hands felt much too nice as they squeezed my backside, claws easily cutting at the fabric of my pants.


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His tongue scraped from my jawline to beneath my eye as his right hand slid down my leg just enough to lift it up. The motion threw me off-balance slightly and I dropped my badge, but Callem's left hand had such a strong hold that I easily stayed on my feet... well, foot. His hips gave a slight nudge between mine, immediately eliciting a moan I hadn't planned to give. He didn't hesitate in giving another nudge after hearing it, and unfortunately, I was unable to stop another sound from slipping free.

"Parker... Callem's."

His hot breath against my neck forced a strong shiver to run its fingers down my spine. My heart thrummed to the tune of his song as he began rubbing against me. I knew he was trying to mate, and the thought was scary, but the song made me just want to give him what he wanted. Thank god he just wanted to mate and didn't understand that I was wearing pants.

I let him use me until he had finished, staining the front of my pants and shirt. Hell, I was extremely close to following him right over the edge, but he had gotten so into breeding that he had stopped humming his song, freeing the reasonable side of my mind.


He gently set my leg back down before licking my cheek and walking toward the closest research pool. I think it was actually Smithson's where he was working with shade and how fish reacted to changes in light, but now the fish had to worry about changes in mermen because Callem just climbed over the barrier and slid into the water.

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