I am so totally not in love with you.

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Ah... And here it is. My angst attempting to take on a more humorous form.

Psh, what are you talking about?

I'm not in love with you.

That fluttery feeling I get

whenever I see you

is just from...allergies.

I really don't understand where you got that from.

Me? In love with you? And I'm in denial?

Yeah, right.

I just really like being with you.

As a--friend.

 Yep. Just a friend.

A completely normal

absolutely amazing



really cool




And you're totally not

the only person in the world

who can make me feel

so stupidly happy

over the silliest things

you do.

Definitely not.

Because you're just a friend.

And I am so totally not in love with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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