Chapter One

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We had finally settled in one spot long enough for Derek and I to get some alone time. Granted we were leaving tomorrow but you have to enjoy the little things. Like the fact that I was clean and had fresh, clean clothes. And that I had alone time with my boyfriend. It was still bizarre to think that I had a boyfriend but it was true. Derek was my boyfriend, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I loved him, although I wasn't quite ready to tell him that. We have only been together for six months now anyways. He would probably think it was weird.

"It's great here isn't it? Lots of trees and open space, all the things a wolf needs to be happy," Derek grumbled.

"Yeah, I really love it here. To bad we have to go tomorrow." We had picked a place in Virginia. Some small Town in the suburbs of D.C.. Leesburg, to be exact. It was a very nice town, full of nice people. "It's all awesome, even the birds look new. I've never even seen a real cardinal before I came here.

"I agree, it is really nice here. I really don't want to leave, by you know we have to."

I sighed, even though I hated it we did have to move. "Yeah, I know we have to keep moving."

Derek's chest grumbled, I realized he was growling. "Derek, why are you growling? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, but I hate it when your sad. You need to cheer up."

"Your right. Come over here." He then leaned over and swung his arm around me.

I looked up at him. "Derek do you ever feel like we are fully out of danger?"

"Well, hard to say. Sometimes I want that to be, but Chloe the Edison Group could still be out there. And remember there are the Cabal's. They all want us, dead or alive although at this point I think they want us more dead than alive." He said that all with the perfect poker-face although I could see the fear deep in his eyes.

"I guess you're right." I sighed again, and this time instead of telling me to stop, he made me stop. Derek kissed me long and hard. We finally broke away, both panting for breath. I gazed at him and said, "Way to go tiger, or wolfie, in this case, that got me to shut-up." We both grinned at that, even though he did frown at the mention of "wolfie".

We continued walking through the woods behind the Holiday Inn we were staying at. The trees here were untouched by the chainsaws that hacked away at most of the landscape here. I look ed up and I could see so many stars! They were everywhere. It was amazing.

"Derek, look at the stars! There's so many of them! Much more than in New York!"

"I know, it is amazing. Hey, do you what the brightest star is?"

"Um, the North Star . . .?"

"Actually no, though that is a common misconception. The brightest star is actually Sirus, one of Orion's hunting dogs. Canis Major."

"That's really cool! Where'd you get that from?"

"When I was younger I had a fascination with stars."

"Cool, can you tell me more?" Derek told me about red dwarfs, and galaxies, and where you could see the Milky Way from. It was nice to have him relaxed, and to learn something interesting at the same time. He was usually so tense. I could literally feel him relax as time went by. His muscles became less tense and a small smile was on his face as he talked. He looked over at me, and his smile widened. He leaned down, and we kissed long and sweetly

I love you, the thought drifted through my mind before I could stop it. I knew I meant it though. I just wished I could tell him.

We turned around and slowly, ever so slowly we trekked back to the Holiday Inn.


A/N: :P I hope you peeps like it. I wrote it when I was kinda tired and I hope that didn't affect anything :/.....Hope you liked it! r/r please!

~Sammi :D

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