1.It's called rejection honey.

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who helped with this chapter. Thanks,

Well as you can see this is my new story :P Before I tell you to carry on reading I want to thank a LOT of people for this chapter. 

@Alicethefair for helping me out with the new story. @thereadyset419 for actually helping me write this chapter. @SydneyIrons for doing the cover , @RachelMacintyre for editing this chapter and @DumbQueen, though I don't know what she gets thanks for... Don't worry i'll think of something ;)

Now do as your heart tells you! VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE! Also I KNOW it's cliche, but I WILL tell you this, its going to be original thing you've ever read. xD

It's my birthday tomorrow so do a girl favour and PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT :D 

Chapter One:

“So did you hear?” whispered Chloe.

“Here what?” I asked, yawning. I tied my long crimson red hair up into a big messy bun at the top of my head.

“I heard that Jason was found making out with someone and Emily went completely mad! Rumour has it that he won’t be ‘playing’ around with anyone anymore. She has that boy on a leash now!” she relayed.   

I snickered behind my hand. Well, she was going to find out anyway. We both knew very well, no human being could resist me. It was a proven fact. Chloe looked at me and giggled, “It was you, wasn’t it?”

I laughed and nodded. She knew me so well.

“So” she said in a corny voice trying to imitate Dracula “Who is your next victim!”

It was a Saturday night and we were gossiping in Chloe’s house. My parents were away in a business trip and didn’t trust me to stay home alone. I couldn’t blame them for not trusting me alone in the house. Let’s just say last time the bathtub wasn’t where it’s supposed to be... So they forced me to stay at Chloe’s house. But I loved Chloe so it was fine.

“I don’t know, I think I’ve had a little taste of everyone. Everyone decent at least,” I shrugged. I wasn’t trying to be a cocky but it was the god damn truth. Yes I was a slut, but I didn’t let just anyone get into these pants. Just the one that really got my attention, and I am sad to say that there were only two of them. Jason was most definitely not one of them.   

Chloe looked thoughtful. “Yeah, I think you’re right,” she said. Chloe was my best friend since middle school. We ruled the current school, and we were the main leaders, kind of like the movie Mean Girls. But you couldn’t possibly compare me to Regina George.

Chloe with her short dark hair, large green eyes, and high cheek bones and not to mention her height! The girl was beautiful! All the boys loved her for her height because it reminded them of a tiny little pixie. Although no one mistook her for one. Once you get that girl mad, you can’t hold her back. She’s like a little bomb once you set her off she just explodes and destroys everything. That’s why I love her.

Chloe continued talking but I got lost. I stared at the mirror, opposite Chloe humongous bed. It hung loosely on the wall. I blinked and watched as the mirror reflected what I did. I absolutely adored my eyes; they were a dark blue with a faint of silver in them. Plus, my red hair made them pop when slicked back into a pony tail. I was so beautiful. No wonder guys couldn’t resist me. I was drop dead gorgeous, damn it!

 “Hello!! Earth to Liv!” Chloe yelled wide-eyed shaking her hands in front of my face. I snapped out of it and paid attention to her.

“What?” I asked, irritably.

She rolled her eyes at me “Can’t you stop looking at your damn self in the mirror for once and listen to me! Damn it girl, you’re so freaking conceited!” This is what I mean by the bomb.

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