Chapter 1 (The beginning with two ends)

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Chapter 1:

We all need that one special person. The special someone who makes everything better. The one person who can put a smile on your face no matter what, the type you can laugh and be an idiot with. Someone you trust with your life.....someone you would die for.

In my case there are two of these people, they light up my world. The thought of losing one destroys me.

Without these two boys I'm nothing. I'm finally admitting it to myself. My life would become painful and lonely. No matter how many people were with me....I would always feel alone. Like something was missing.

Nothing would ever be the same without Zayn.....nothing would ever be the same without Harry.

Harry was never supposed to mean this much to me, I was never suppose to fall for him, but I did.

All at the same time I was madly and hopelessly in love with Zayn.

Without either of them there would be a hole in my heart that would never be able to be fixed.

Now I don't want to sound theatrical or anything, but this is my story.


I woke up Friday morning deciding I will go to school today. After I caught my boyfriend, Zayn, cheating on me Monday night I really haven't left my room. I just cried myself to sleep wondering why he would do that to me, what didn't I do, was I not good enough.

We dated since freshman year, I mean I was a sophomore now but it seems like so much longer than that. I found him with his tounge down Melanie Kara's throat.

Maybe I wasn't good enough. I wasn't a double zero like Melanie. I wasn't on the cheerleading squad. I didn't have blonde hair and walk in six inch high heels on every day.

Maybe he's going to hate me now too, just like every other girl and guy at my school. I couldn't even bare the thought.

I finally told myself to get up and get ready for school. I went over to my vanity and looked at myself in the mirror, I got out a brush and slowly removed every knot in my long brown hair. I gave up, as I wasn't in the mood to care about what I looked like.

I qucikly skimmed my body into a pair of leggings, threw an oversized hoodie that read "Bethal Heights High" over my head and slipped on my toms. I took a rubber band from my dresser and threw my hair up in a messy bun.

As I was brushing my teeth I noticed the white of my hoodie was red on my sleeve. I tucked up my sleeves and applied foundation to the cuts on my wrist. I grabbed my phone and dragged myself down the stairs.

"Goodmorning LiLi." I put down my head as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning Nicole, I have been worried about you." Liam muttered concerned.

"Do you want anything to eat love?" Liam practically begged me to eat.

"No, I'm fine." I mumbled.

"Nicole I'm worried about you." Liam spoke frowning.

I went over and kissed his cheek. I knew he was only being a good brother. After all he is the only person that even is my family.

Last year my parents were killed in a car crash, the lose of my parents really struck me hard and my whole life changed. Liam and I really struggled, more me than him.

During my grieving period I jade severe depression and started to self harm. It has been impossible to stop since then when things get hectic and I now take a few anti depressions.

I Would Die For Them. ON HOLD (Harry Styles and Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now