Making Plans

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Chapter 2 “ Making Plans”

I come home from my gallery opening night. Presenting my new pieces to the public was always exhausting; having to make a speech greeting so many strangers and putting on that perfect smile. I unlock the door to my apartment, drop the keys on the kitchen counter and click the answering machine, guessing Emily hasn’t come home yet.

 “Two…new…messages. Beep! Hey, this is Ben calling for Aria. I guess your not home right now. Um… here’s my number at the hospital. 746-383-4923, call me whenever. O-Kay bye. Beep! And the final message. Hi Aria, it’s me Emily! I won’t be home till tomorrow, something came up! Kay bye! Beep!” The answering machine finishes.

I mutter to myself, “or someone” as I copied Ben’s number onto my cell phone. I wouldn’t be surprised if Emily was with a guy, she does it all of the time. Sigh…I strip my clothes off replacing them with my PJ’s, and I head to bathroom to brush my teeth. After I was all done, I go to bed and fall asleep instantly.

            The next morning I wake up half awake, walking straight to the bathroom to take a shower. I take off all of my clothes and turn the faucet to warm water. I take a few minutes to think about whom I was and my baby. I know it’s been over a year now, but I still feel like there’s a part of me missing. All I have left now is the scar on my stomach to remind me of everything; of my nightmare. After a minute of being in the shower, the doorbell rings. I turn off the facet and grab the nearest towel I could find to cover my whole body. Wrapping it around me I head towards the door.

I answer the door,

“Thank-God your home! I forgot my key here,” Emily says with relief. She comes rushing inside, dropping her purse on the table and grabbing a glass of water.

 I rub my eyes,

“What happened to staying in with whoever you met last night?” I ask, knowing her too well, as the water still drips on my body.

I leave to go change as Emily speaks louder from the kitchen, “Ugh! He wouldn’t non-stop talking, nothing that came from his mouth made sense! I had to leave before he woke up!” Emily complains.

I laugh at her, always trying to find some excuse or flaw about every guy she meets.

I enter the kitchen once again, and give her one long devilish stare.

“I bet you can’t even last more then a month with a guy without making an excuse or finding a flaw to leave him”.

“I can so, just haven’t found the right guy yet” she defends herself in a whining voice.

“So have you talked to Ben yet?”

Emily questions me,

“No I haven’t”

 I reply, pouring myself a glass of coffee, mixing sugar and cream together.

“What are you waiting for? Call him now!” Emily demands me.

She raises her brows at me,

“I’m sure he’s on call or something”, I find myself trying to procrastinate while I take a slip of my coffee facing Emily.

“Remember, he asked you out, that means he wants to be bothered!”

Emily makes an excellent point.

            I collect my phone from the night table, where it was charging. I look at my contacts and click his number. I take a deep breath, press talk, and the phone begins to ring.

 “Hello this is Ben Brooks office, how may I help you?”

I watch Emily trying to listen in.

 “Um… Is Ben available?” I ask nervously.

“Hold on a second,” The receptionist tells me.

A man’s voice comes on the line.

 “Dr. Brooks speaking…” he waits for an answer.

 “Uh hi, it’s Aria, Aria Woods. You left a message on my answering machine.”

“Hello, I didn’t think you were going to call. So are we still on for that date?” he speaks with confidence.

“Yep.” I speak into the receiver with a smile.

 “Is Friday good?” He waits for my answer as I think.

 Emily whispers “says yes!”

“Sounds good to me!” I tell him,

“Good, wear something nice and I’ll pick you at eight.”

“Okay, but don’t you want to know where I live?” I ask him.

“Its okay, I was your doctor, remember? I already know these things”.

 I agree with him, remembering when I was told to tell them where I lived in one of my last check-ups.

“Oh yeah!” I tell him

“Listen, I’ve got to go! I have a patient waiting for me and can’t wait to see you Friday!” he says as he hangs up the phone.

“Yes! I’m so happy for you! I’m going to take you shopping!” Emily screams excitedly after listening to the conversation. Before I knew it, we were already out of the door. Okay, I admit I was excited too but I still have to be careful.

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