Iastrayrctib and the Doctor

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“Time warp coil! TIME WARP COIL!” The Doctor was bouncing around the TARDIS and screaming at himself for forgetting what levers to pull. “WHERE IS IT?!” Finally, he found it. Straightening his bow tie in victory, he trotted over to the door. “We have landed.” Slowly, he gazed around the TARDIS. Seeing no one else, he corrected himself. “I have landed. Just me.” Despondently he opened the doors to find himself in a tree. An abnormally large tree. "A tree? A TREE? Where am I?" He quickly walked backed to the console table causing the TARDIS to wobble on the thick branch. "Oi..." The screen on the centre console showed a map. It was written in a foreign language but was soon translated for the Doctor. "Ictelfraske? never heard of it. Well," He paused for dramatic effect. "Geronimo!"

"Slowly now....slow...ly..." The Doctor climbing through trees was quite a strange sight. "OI!" The tipsy Time Lord slipped off a branch and was grabbing on to another one with hands that were quickly turning red.

"Oi! 'Ey! You! In the tree!" An unfamiliar Welsh accent reached the Doctor's ears.

He looked down just slightly "Yes, hello?" He noticed this female was pretty short. Or maybe that was because he was really high up in quite a tall tree.

"Do ya need some help? You're a bit stuck up there, eh?" She called.

"Stuck up?! I am notstuck up! I'm very humble, thanyouverymuch!" The Doctor seemed quite offended by her remark. He must have misunderstood her.

The strange Ictelfrasker or Ictelfraskerian or...whatever they are called laughed...or moreso cackled. "I meant 'stuck up in the tree'! Again, do ya need help?"

CRACK! A thin branch cracked under the Doctor's foot and he ended up upside-down. "Yes..I do think that would be necessary at the moment..."

"That's all you needed to say." Like a flash of lightning she soared up the tree and eased the Doctor back on to a branch. "There ya go, sir."

The Doctor couldn't help but stare. This woman was, actually, of average height but was wearing...well, she wasn't wearing much at all. She wore animal skins just covering the important parts.

"Sir? Are you ok, sir?" She snapped her fingers in the Doctor's face. "Sir, why are you staring?"

"Oi! Sorry! I'm sorry!" There was a long pause. "I'm the Doctor! You are?" He extended his hand for her to shake it.

"Iastrayrctib. But my tribe calls me Tibby." Instead of shaking his hand she licked it...with a strange forked tongue. The Doctor quickly pulled away. "What was that?!"

"I-I'm sorry! Have I offended ya, sir? That is just the custom on this planet...how did you get on this planet?"

"Well...it's a bit complicated I suppose. See, I'm a Time - "

"TIME LORD! YOU ARE A TIME LORD?!" Tibby bounced away and balanced herself on a fairly thin branch. "DON'T COME NEAR ME! DON'T!"

The Doctor jumped back as well but almost fell again. "W-what?! What did I do?"


The Doctor finally took a look around the planet and noticed the deep browns and blacks of warzones and attacks. "Oh...I'm so sorry. For what it's worth, I'm the last one. No more." He smiled warmly, "And I promise you...I'm not quite in to violence." After a short pause, the Doctor sort of crawled to Tibby. He got up and stood up on a thicker branch. He held his hand out to the Fork-Tongued girl. She took it and smiled.

"I think we should get down from this tree, yeah?" Tibby smiled.

"Sounds good, Tibby...Tibs..Tibula...can I call you Iastra? Sounds better."

"Sure!" She squeezed his hand. "Ready?"

"Ready? For what?!"


And together they practically flew down the tree.


Finite! End of chapter one! Did ya like it? Comment and vote please :) By the way, I DO NOT own Doctor Who, the Doctor, or the TARDIS. I do, however, own pretty much everything else in this story. Thanks for reading! 3 votes for next chapter! HAIL TO THE WHOVIANS! :D *raises sonic screwdriver*

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